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槽轮都是木制。The sheaves are made of wood.

他们把稻草扎成把。They bunched straw into sheaves.

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八月带来成捆的谷物。August brings the sheaves of corn.

夜间我可伏卧在你的脚旁。I'll lay heavy sheaves at Thy feet.

夏季绿作物,如今捆成束And summer's green all girded up in sheaves

如同捆扎玉米,它将你聚集在自身之上。Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.

我们喜乐满怀,禾捆带回来。We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.

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横梁,高架轨道,滑轮,轮胎等起重机配件。Beams, Rail tracks-overhead, Sheaves and pulleys, Tyr.

人们通常用一捆捆的小麦或玉米作节日装饰。Sheaves of wheat or corn are often used as decorations.

而你们的几捆则过来站在它周围对它鞠躬行礼。And all your sheaves came around it and bowed down to my sheaf.

那老头抖抖鼻毛哼哼鼻子以示欢迎。The old man snorted a welcome through his sheaves of nasal hair.

安装在自动润滑轴承上的滑轮效率非常好。Sheaves fitted with self-lubricating bushings for good efficiency.

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八月带来成捆的谷物,家家户户殷实富足。August brings the sheaves of corn , then the harvest home is borne.

制作滑轮。继续。简单的单绳轮和双绳轮滑轮。Making pulleys. Continious. Simple one sheave and two sheaves pulleys.

看哪,在你们所住之地,我必压你们,如同装满禾捆的车压物一样。Behold, I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves.

“我的头巾!”老伴从麦捆上抓了头巾,捏在了手中。"My hood! " The wife caught the hood from the sheaves and pinched in her hands.

看,我要使你们脚下的地摇荡,好像满载禾捆的车摇荡一样。Behold, I will crush you to the ground, as a cart does when it is full of sheaves.

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本文介绍了塑料绳轮能有效地延长钢丝绳寿命的试验情况,并提供了有关试验结果。Plastic sheaves are put to a test and the result shows how the service life of the rope extended.

所有救生艇吊柱的滑轮和滚轮拆开检查、清洁、加油并装妥。All sheaves and rollers of the life boat davit need to be overhauled, cleaned, greased and reassembled.

那带种流泪出去的、必要欢欢乐乐的带禾捆回来。He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.