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“旧金山加州大学,”一个酥脆的声音回答。UCSF, " a voice answered crisply.

对我来说这款电脑性能表现十分优越。The computer performed crisply and well for me.

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回味佳,并无讨厌的糖分影响。Finishes crisply without any cloying residual sugar.

在这本简明扼要,清晰易读的书里,D。In this concise, crisply readable book, Professor D.

而对于战场空中遮断的定义并不像这样容易。But battlefield air interdiction is not so crisply defined.

当他把羊皮纸递给会计的时候它们清脆的折皱。The parchment crinkled crisply as he slid it toward the paymaster.

他咬断远离他们,他的在空气中脆地摇晃的白色摺层。He snapped away from them, his white folds swirling crisply in the air.

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牙尖帮,脆软尝,休闲美食王中王。Dental cusp gang Tastes softly crisply Leisure good food Wang Zhongwang.

今天爽帮我买了,45美元,真叫人心疼。Today helped me to buy crisply , 45 US dollars, love dearly really the human.

一声清脆的响指,门外的士兵让出了一条路。Is a to clear and crisply and aloud point, the soldier out of the door let a road.

“我们是长岛苗圃来的。”詹妮弗说话干干脆脆。“我们要把这些树木全部挖掉。”"Long Island Nursery, " Jennifer said crisply. "We"re takin" out all these trees. "

今晚的泉州,秋风送爽,流光溢彩。Tonight's Quanzhou, the autumn wind delivers crisply , the time overflows the color.

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有时在滑车回关节窝时能听到清脆的弹响声。Sometimes can hear clear and crisply play sound when the pulley returns to joint nest.

清楚的界限定义了那些在服务内,哪些在服务外。Explicit boundaries crisply define what is inside a service and what is outside a service.

公寓的室内展示更显个性,却又干净爽朗。The apartment interiors display much less personality, but are clean and crisply designed.

说到加菲猫,这世界上还有谁能像它这么爽地过日子呢?Speaks of the Gaffey cat, in this world can also some who look like it such crisply to live?

明白清楚地说明你的抱怨及其影响,但不要采取辩驳或挑衅的方式。Clearly and crisply state your complaint and its impact without getting defensive or aggressive.

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卡吉尔上校爽快地向他道了谢,踌躇满志地迈着大步穿过了营地。Colone Cargill thanked him crisply and glowed with self-satisfaction as he strode across the area.

最好的纯巧克力是光滑的,掰开是松脆的,融化在你的口中时会释放出一种复合的味道。The best dark chocolate is glossy, breaks crisply and releases a complex flavour as it dissolves in your mouth.

全新的运动夹克和夹克外形中,裁剪具有清楚、线条分明的特点。适合多种服饰搭配方式。The new blazer and jacket shapes must be crisply and sharply cut and suitable for a playful range of combinations.