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灯光忽明忽暗。The lights keep flickering.

我把摇曳的火把交给你I yield my flickering torch to Thee

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飞蛾似的群星也闪烁着幽光。And moth-like stars were flickering out.

树影摇曳,雨声沥沥,我,独自静坐。Flickering shadows, rain I alone sit-ins.

烛火闪烁,光线晦暗。The light from the flickering candle was dim.

用手捧起摇曳的白云。Holding up the flickering clouds by her hands.

以现实中的时间来感觉,它就象一次闪光。When seen in real time, it looks like flickering.

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在闪烁的灯光下,我们在汽车影院的后排。Back row at the driving show in the flickering light.

露营地的一切都被大雨淋透了,那堆篝火也给浇灭了。And the flickering reflections flung by the camp-fire.

摇曳的烛光也增添了一份平静的气氛。Candle light flickering just adds to the peaceful mood.

如何摆脱闪烁在这个冒泡排序程序吗?。How to get rid of flickering in this bubble sort program?

那晚的风很大很大,把星星吹的忽明忽暗的。Very big night winds to blow the flickering of the stars.

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写这封信的时候,桔红色的光线在黑暗中摇曳。I am writing this in a flickering of orange and blackness.

我们望着闪烁的火光慢慢地睡着。We watched the flickering firelight and slowly fell sleep.

鬼火般的橘红色光芒在头骨的眼眶中舞动着。Flickering orange lights danced in the skull’s eye sockets.

缘何,每一个夜深人静,我们的故事又在摇曳的灯盏里重现?Why, every night, our story in the flickering lamp in return?

在荧光屏下闪烁现象往往会更加明显。Flickering tends to be more noticeable under fluorescent lighting.

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是达芬奇有意营造这么一个“似笑非笑”的效果吗?或许吧。Did da Vinci intend to create this flickering smile effect?Perhaps.

惨绿色的光芒在我们头顶闪烁,在这一点上我没有乱讲。The pale green lightning was flickering above us, that was no bull.

忽明忽暗的火,照得他们的表情十分可怕。Flickering fire, according to their expression was very frightening.