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他被人看做是一位仁者。He was accounted a merciful man.

有些人则说他所做的事很仁慈。Others say what he is doing is merciful.

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那么仁慈的天父,你就让我保持原样吧。Then leave me, merciful father, as I am.

马太说完全,而路加说慈悲。Matthew has perfect and Luke has merciful.

那么仁慈的天父,你就让我保持原样吧。Oh!Then leave me, merciful father, as I am.

当子弹?暴强?了黑夜的怜悯。While bullets rape the night of the merciful.

展现的怜悯是毫无保留的怜悯。The merciful are shown mercy by the All-Merciful.

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一个平凡而善良的人。An honest man with kind-hearted and merciful mind.

上帝对每一分怜悯行为都回予怜悯。Every merciful act of men, God rewards with mercy.

请保持对对方的怜悯,理解,宽容和仁慈。Be compassionate, understanding, forgiving and merciful.

怜恤的人有福了!因为他们必蒙怜恤。Blessed are the merciful , for they will be shown mercy.

他想起狮子曾经对他很仁慈。He recalled that the lion had been merciful to him then.

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以最善良,最慈悲的真主名义。In the name of God, the most beneficent, the most merciful.

但是揆一的同胞却不像他的对手那样仁慈。But Coyett's own countrymen were not as merciful as his adversary.

没有人能听到他们的哀告,唯独慈爱的神能听到。No one hears their cries—no one but God, who hears and is merciful.

不过也有些事情显露出他仁慈的一面Yet there were incidents that his merciful side came through as well.

但我相信上帝仍然仁慈素养准备把他们全部还给他买…But i believe oru merciful GOD still preparing to have them back to HIM.

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奎师那啊,众神之主啊,所有世界的避难所啊,请您向我大发慈悲吧。Krsna, Lord of all gods, O refuge of all the worlds be merciful unto me.

耶和华有怜悯,有恩典,不轻易发怒,且有丰盛的慈爱。The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

你要宣讲佛教,教导人们要慈悲,不要杀生,让所有生物都能宁静地生活。Teach all people to be merciful. Tell everyone not to kill living creatures.