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目的观察左羟丙哌嗪的镇咳作用。Aim To observe the antitussive effect of levodropropizine.

无痰干咳需用镇咳药止咳,以避免并发症。Nonproductive coughs need an antitussive to stop the coughing.

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结论龙香平喘胶囊有较好的止咳、平喘作用。Conclusion LXP has the notable antitussive and antiasthmatic effects.

结论干咳清糖浆在祛痰、镇咳方面具有明显的作用。Conclusions In expectorant cough-syrup, antitussive has a prominent role.

过去几十年中,那可丁一直被用作镇咳药。Noscapine has been primarily used as antitussive agent for several decades.

安嗽灵的镇咳效用相当于或强于可待因。Antitussive effect of Asverin is equal to or more powerful than that of codeine.

方法通过小鼠氨水引咳实验观察款冬花、款冬花与紫菀配伍的止咳作用。MethodsEvaluating the antitussive effect by cough times of mice caused by ammonia.

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乌苏酸和总三萜酸还对枸橼酸喷雾引起的豚鼠咳嗽有止咳作用。Further more, Ursolic acid and the total triterpene acids also displayed antitussive activity.

目的研究复方金耳液的止咳、平喘作用。Objective To study the antitussive and antiasthmatic effect of compound liquor from Tremella aurantialba.

结果1。紫苏子水提物、醇提物和醚提物均显示了程度不同的镇咳作用。RESULTS 1. The water, alcohol and ether extracts of Perilla frutescens showed different antitussive effects.

对鸡脚参醇提物进行了抗炎、止咳作用的研究。The anti-inflammatory and antitussive action of ethanol Abstract from OrthoslPhon wufenioiide has been studied.

方法采用小鼠酚红法、小鼠氨水引咳法分别观察干咳清糖浆祛痰、镇咳作用。Methods Use of phenol red mice, mice with cough of ammonia were observed grain-pulp dry cough expectorant, antitussive role.

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芫花素及其模拟醋炙品均有镇咳祛痰作用,作用强度二者无显著差异。Both genkwanin and its vinegar processed imitation have antitussive and expectorant actions without marked difference in efficacy.

目的观察氢溴酸右美沙芬缓释胶囊的镇咳作用及镇咳作用时间。Methods Dextromethorphan Sustained-Release capsules of lasting antitussive were observed by acid citric induced cough model of guinea pig.

采用双盲法安慰剂对照的临床试验设计,观察本品的镇痛及镇咳药效。A clinical trial design using double-blind method, with placebo control, hasbeen made for assessing its analgesic and antitussive efficacy.

对6种不同的牛磺胆汁酸钠进行了合成,并对比研究其镇咳、祛痰作用。The synthesis of 6 kinds of sodium taurine- conjugated bile salts was studied and their comparison in antitussive and expectorant effects made.

目前没有特殊的治疗药物,主要是预防继发感染,同时对症治疗,应用抗生素、解热镇痛药、镇咳药等。There is no specific therapy, mainly to prevent secondary infection, and symptomatic treatment, antibiotics, antipyretic and analgesic, antitussive and so on.

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方法小鼠的镇咳祛痰实验分别采用氨水引咳法及气管酚红排泌试验法。Methods Ammonia water steaming test was performed to prove the antitussive effects of OIV, and the expectorant effects of OIV was confirmed by phenol red secretion test.

实验结果表明,本品具有明显解热、抗炎、镇痛、镇咳及祛痰药理作用,并具一定量效关系。The results showed that this preparation had obvious antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgetic, antitussive and expectorant effects with considerable dose-effect relationship.

采用豚鼠整体动物引喘法和离体气管条实验法、小鼠酚红法、小鼠氨水引咳法和豚鼠枸橼酸引咳法,分别观察“康孚”油剂平喘、祛痰、镇咳作用。The antiasthmatic, antitussive and expectorant effect of Kanfu oil preparation were investigated in intact animal model and the contraction of tracheal strips of guinea pig in vitro.