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唱歌曲“雪人”。Sing Frosty the snowman.

白云如飞星如霜。The flying cloud, the frosty light.

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阳光在结霜的屋顶上闪烁变幻。The sun played on the frosty roofs.

其中之一就是他那霜冻严重的冬天。One of them is frosty severe winter.

如果明天有雾和霜怎办?What if it is frosty and foggy tomorrow ?

那是一个冷得结霜的早晨。It was a cold and frosty morning that day.

其他人称它为霜月或者比弗月。Others will call it the Frosty or Beaver Moon.

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孤楚的心怎敌那秋冷的寒霜!Chu isolated heart how the enemy that cold, frosty autumn!

在一个寒冷,下霜的早晨,我们就是这样弄干手。This is the way we dry our hands on a cold and frosty morning.

太阳很冷,它在渺远而冰冷的空中燃烧着。The sun is cold, burning through the frosty distances of space.

在一个寒冷,下霜的早晨,我们就是这样拍拍手。This is the way we clap our hands on a cold and frosty morning.

在一个寒冷,下霜的早晨,我们就是这样洗洗手。This is the way we wash our hands on a cold and frosty morning.

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联赛的一位发言人给了这些提议一个冷淡的回应。A spokesman for the league gave the proposals a frosty reception.

在马路上是冷冰冰的,还刮着一阵阵猛厉的风。The cold wind chilled one to the bones, just as the frosty avenue.

夜又黑又冷,以是他把她裹得严严实实的。He wrapped her up with great care, the night being dark and frosty.

今天在这条结霜得路上开车很危险。小心点!Driving on this frosty road may be dangerous today, so go carefully.

他的头顶、眉骨及瘦削的下巴上,都覆盖着白皑皑的寒霜。A frosty rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin.

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在这种严寒的天气里,鼻孔里呼出来的热气看起来就像烟雾一般。In the frosty air the breath coming out of the nose looked like smoke.

它又吠了一声,低沉的吼声在寒夜里格外清晰。It came again. The deep voice rang loud and clear in the frosty night.

不要使用霜状眼影,以及避免使用蓝色底色的化妆品。Do not wear frosty eye shadow, and avoid anything with a blue undertone.