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他假装出摇滚明星般倔傲的任性。He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star.

气急损坏的埃迪一怒之下希图用摩托车将两人撞死。Flustered damaged Eddie petulance attempts by motorcycle will both die.

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因为这个,科比需要自我检讨,这是他为了自己曾经的折腾所付出的代价。For this, Bryant can blame himself. This is the price paid for petulance.

比赛的失利以及艾弗森的急性子也使他与Cheeks之间出现不和谐的声音。The losses and Iverson's petulance also have led to a splintered relationship with Cheeks.

我告诫自己决不能停下来,可一气之下我又决定立即停下来。I told myself that I could never stop, and with a gust of petulance I resolved to stop forthwith.

即便如此,专栏作家和解说们并不放过科比的自私、傲慢和小脾气。Even so, the writers and broadcasters didn't take kindly to Kobe's selfishness, arrogance and petulance.

他对自己时常发作的固执的小脾气不加掩饰,对世界对他光芒的赞美浑不在意。He was at ease with his often dogmatic petulance , unburdened by the world's acknowledgment of his luster.

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错失良机,表现急躁,与对手作战也没有上赛季出色。Chances have been missed, petulance has been shown and he is not destroying opponents like he was last season.

每个老人都抱怨世界日益腐败,正在成长的一代人无礼傲慢。Every old man complains of the growing depravity of the world, of the petulance and insolence of the rising generation.

郭培武冲进陶家,发现舒燕已跑,一怒之下杀了陶母,并将宋雅亭投入大牢。GuoPeiWu rushed into the pottery house and found shuyan general headquarters has run, petulance kill tao mother, and will SongYaTing into the prison.

已经29岁的科比过去的这些年中,他已经为自己的任性的折腾付出了代价,他已经完成了自己的转变。He came on late in his career to transform himself, but that was never necessary with Bryant. At 29, he's been great for most of a decade. He's paid his price for petulance.

那位男演员哼哼地火冒三丈,对著女演员如驴子般大吼大叫,接著踩著重重的脚步声离开舞台回到更衣室,观众则目瞪口呆地看著这毫不掩饰的粗俗表现…The actor harrumphed, then he brayed at the actress and clomped off the stage and into his dressing room, while the audience sat transfixed by the naked display of petulance.