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美貌女子和花花公子在旅馆里调情。Belles and beaux philandered in the hotels.

现在你还是个孩子,还只为自己的意中人操心哪。You’re just a child and bothered about your beaux.

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她唯一知道的就是舞会和她招来的那些情人。All she’ll know about is the balls she went to and the beaux she collected.

阿兰·柏图1967年毕业于法国国立巴黎高等艺术学院。Alain Bertaud graduated in Architecture from the Ecole des Beaux -Arts in Paris in 1967.

华盛顿又是另外一种对照,它的高贵在艺术风格的联合火车站就显露无遗。provided another contrast, its class immediately apparent in the Beaux Arts-style Union Station.

艺术博物馆中的首选是美术馆,一个格调高雅、可供访客徜徉在画作与雕期品之间的绝佳去处。The premier art museum, the Musee des Beaux Museum of Fine Arts, was a stylish place to wander among paintings and sculpture.

从经典的美术建筑雕刻楼群到63个精品房间,为客人提供豪华风格。XV Beacon, a 63-room boutique haven carved out of a classic Beaux Arts building, offers guests luxury, style, class and culture.

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对美术设计与亲切的服务,这个惊人的酒店开张1910和一直以来的纳什维尔地标。Pairing Beaux Arts design with gracious service, this stunning hotel opened its doors in 1910 and has been a Nashville landmark ever since.

从那以后,我在东京宫和巴黎美术学院做了一个居留项目,我在制做录像上有了想法。After that I did a residency in Le Pavillion at Palais de Tokyo and École des Beaux Arts de Paris, where I developed my ideas on video making.

唯一的困难是,要做一个公正、真诚、慈爱、无乱的人,你就得牺牲许多人生乐趣,而且一定会换掉许多英俊的男人。The only difficulty was that by being just and truthful and ten der and unselfish, one missed most of the joys of life, and certainly many beaux.

1873年至1880年间,莫尔住在巴黎,并在当地的综合艺术学院和茱莉安学院学习,遇到了许多当时的先锋派画家和作家。From 1873-1880 Moore lived in Paris, studied atl'Ecole des Beaux Arts and the Jullian's Academy, and met many of the period's avantgarde painters and writers.

成为全国美术家协会副会长,及该校雕塑系主任。聘布鲁戴尔为助理。Rodin succeeded Dalou as President of the Sculpture Department and Vice-President of the Société Nationale des Beaux -Arts. He hired Bourdelle as a practicien.

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当奥林匹亚和约克公司的开发商们精心设计具有两次世界大战间美国古典风格的总体规划时,仓库的遗迹也得以保存。Instead, the historic warehouses were preserved while the Olympia & York developers crafted a masterplan that owed much to the Beaux Arts tradition of US interwar styling.