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美国俄亥俄州东北部一社区,扬斯敦的一个郊区。人口32,37。A community of northeast Ohio, a suburb of Youngstown. Population, 32,37.

俄亥俄州东北部一社区,扬斯敦的一个郊区。人口32,371。A community of northeast Ohio, a suburb of Youngstown. Population, 32,371.

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奈尔斯美国俄亥俄州东北部的一座城市,位于扬斯敦西北偏北。A city of northeast Ohio north-northwest of Youngstown. It is an iron and steel center.

我的政府已经在罗利和扬斯敦开始运行高科技制造业中心。My administration has launched two hubs for high-tech manufacturing in Raleigh and Youngstown.

美国俄亥俄东北部城市,位于青年城西北。它是一个制造业中心。人口50,793。A city of northeast Ohio northwest of Youngstown. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 50,793.

沃伦美国俄亥俄东北部城市,位于青年城西北。它是一个制造业中心。人口50,793。A city of northeast Ohio northwest of Youngstown. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 50, 793.

国俄亥俄州东北部一城市,位于扬斯敦西南部,1805年教友派教徒定居此地,人口23,376。A city of northeast Ohio southwest of Youngstown. It was settled by Quakers in1805. Population, 23, 376.

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美国俄亥俄州东北部的一座城市,位于扬斯敦西北偏北。它是一个钢铁工业中心。人口2,28。A city of northeast Ohio north-northwest of Youngstown. It is an iron and steel center. Population, 2, 28.

亥俄州东北部的一座城市,位于扬斯敦西北偏北。它是一个钢铁工业中心。人口21,128。A city of northeast Ohio north-northwest of Youngstown. It is an iron and steel center. Population, 21, 128.

理事会受到两百多个公司支持,包括通用电气公司、国际收割机公司、布朗兄弟哈里曼银行和杨斯顿钢铁公司。Its constituency included more than two hundred companies, including General Electric, International Harvester, Brown Brothers Harriman, and Youngstown Sheet &Tube.

虽然民主党人显然在用经济衰退的议题为自己竞选,但是扬斯敦的共和党人、麦凯恩竞选义工温布什说他们已经开始了助选活动。Although Democrats appear to be using the faltering economy to their advantage, Youngstown Republicans like McCain volunteer Tracey Winbush say they are making headway.

为美国的未来战斗,所以奥巴马今年早些时候曾表示,“将开始打响,并取得胜利,就像埃尔德哈特和底特律,戈森和匹兹堡,南湾扬斯敦”。THE battle for America's future, so Barack Obama said earlier this year, "will be fought and won in places like Elkhart and Detroit, Goshen and Pittsburgh, South Bend Youngstown".