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即使社会主义也无法改变这些本体论的事实。Socialism cannot alter these basic ontological facts.

现代混沌学为“本体非决定论”提供了科学证据吗?。Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism?

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尽管当代哲学家几乎都不同意阿奎那的五种证明,阿奎那版的宇宙论和本体论证明至今却还仍被天主教廷所接受。Versions of Aquinas’ cosmological and ontological arguments are still

他更多地是从本体论的意义上强调心理合一。What is more, he emphasized the syncretism from the ontological sense.

后期维特根斯坦则是在一种本体论意义上研究语言。Later Wittgenstein's study of language is a kind of ontological reflection.

客观论是一种认为善和价值存在于客体之中的无价理本体论。Metaethical Objectivism is an ontological idea holding that good and value exist in object.

不确定性是整个世界的一种客观存在,具有本体论意义。As a kind of objective existence in the whole world, uncertainty has ontological significance.

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概念化的另一方面是本体理论的语义副本。Conceptualizations, on the other hand, are the semantical counterpart of ontological theories.

最终,在存在论意义上,把握疯癫对挽救人类的生态学价值。Finally, in the ontological significance, grasps the crazy to save the humanity the ecology value.

在他的哲学人类学思想的基础上,舍勒提出了全新的本体论意义上的教育观。On his thought of philosophical anthropology he put forward a new ontological meaning of education.

从而勾画出作为自为之本体论结构的有限性与超越性之整体。So we delineate the whole of limitation and transcendence as ontological structure of being-for-self.

其中本体论维度是始源性的,而这两个维度统一在实践的基础上。According to Marx, the ontological dimension is original and these two dimensions are based on praxis.

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蒂里希是从人的生存出发以本体论的方式来建构其文化神学体系的。Tillich constructs his cultural theology from man's existential situation with an ontological approach.

有关动作与戏剧性的论述,构成谭霈生戏剧本体理论的基石。Tan Peisheng analyses the concept of psycho-action as the keystone of his ontological theory of theatre.

第四部分主要考察了巴克莱的极端唯名论在在本体论上的表现。The fourth examines some of the major Barclays extreme nominalist ontological theory in the performance.

理解的本体论性质意味着阐释主体的自我理解。The ontological character of literary understanding signifies self-understanding of interpretive subject.

卢卡奇的日常思维理论具有突出的生存论价值,它在与科学和艺术的关系中得以彰显。Lukács'theory of everyday thinking has ontological function and shows in the relations of science and art.

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安瑟伦对于这些学生的挑战最出彩的回应便是那令他流传后世的本体论证明,他提出的该证明也成为了许多年来最受关注的哲学问题之一。Anselm’s most famous response to this challenge was to become famously known as ‘the ontological argument for

这一章首先考察了梁宗岱美学思想的哲学特征。The second chapter discusses universe ontological philosophy and aesthetic conception theory of Liang Zongdai.

马克思主义承担在思想上的物质的存在论优先而且见到作为历史军队的产品的思想。Marxism assumes the ontological priority of matter over mind and sees mind as the product of historical forces.