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口腔矫治器能减少上腭振颤和舌根鼾症?Does an oral appliance reduce palatal flutter and tongue base snoring?

测量每个实验步骤结束时腭中缝的宽度。The breadth of the rat palatal suture after each experiment phases was measured.

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腭皱有利于全口义齿修复后病人语音的恢复。The palatal rugae helps speech recovery in patients with complete denture restoration.

年龄、腭骨厚度及腭骨密度间无显著相关性。Age, palatal bone thickness and palatal bone mineral density had no significant correlation.

腭部发生的良、恶性肿瘤与腭骨密切相关。Benign and malignant tumors in the palatine region has a close relationship with the palatal bone.

该模型为上颌腭部种植支抗的生物力学研究提供了一个平台。This model provides a foundation for the study of palatal implants' biomechanics in RME of adults.

结果得到切牙乳突与腭皱形态的测量方法和基础数据。Results We gained the basic data and find a measuring method of incisive papilla and palatal wrinkle.

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本研究显示口腔矫治器可能是上腭鼾症和舌根鼾症的有效治疗方法。This study suggests oral appliances may be effective treatment for both palatal and tongue base snoring.

目的研究腭皱在全口义齿修复后语音恢复过程中的作用。Objective To study the effects of palatal rugae on speech recovery after restoration of complete denture.

目的评价腭部种植体支抗系统在临床固定矫治技术正畸治疗中的稳定性。Objective To evaluate the clinical stability of the palatal implant anchorage system in orthodontic treatment.

最常见的扭矩需要切牙正畸治疗中增加腭根扭矩。The most common torque need for the upper incisors during orthodontic treatment is increased palatal root torque.

本文就慢速腭扩展的矫治器类型、骨性和牙性改变以及与快速腭扩展的比较作一综述。This paper reviews the types of appliance, skeletal and dental changes, and comparison with rapid palatal expansion.

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缺牙区牙槽骨、黏膜条件较差者,应避免前腭板加后腭杆形式的大连接体。Anterior palatal plate with posterior palatal bar can not be used on the patient whose alveolar mucosa is not healthy.

实验研究也显示在阻止磨牙近中移动方面,该系统优于腭托及唇挡。The experiment also show the removable heavy labial wire anchorage system is better than Nance palatal arch and lip bumper.

腭扩展是正畸常用的矫治上颌横向发育不足及上颌牙弓狭窄的固定矫治技术。Palatal expansion is frequently applied in correction of maxillary transverse deficiency and upper dental arch constriction.

目的进一步观察腭裂修复术后腭裂隙骨性愈合状况,统计并讨论影响骨性愈合的因素。Objective Attending to observe the bony healing on hard palate after palatal repair, and to discuss the factors affecting on it.

这如牙阜般的结构是出现在上颚正中门齿颚侧,由舌面隆凸向牙骨质牙釉质交接处延伸。Cusp-like structure projects from the cingulum area or cementoenamel junction on the palatal surfaces of the maxillary anterior teeth.

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本文就目前腭瓣的临床应用作一综述,以期对临床工作提供一定的参考。This article was an overview of clinical application of hard palatal mucoperiosteum flap, proposing to provide choices to clinical surgical works.

探讨一种X线下可显影的新型软腭植入材料治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征的可行性。To investigate the developing effect under X-ray of a new polymer palatal implants material used in treatment of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome.

结论维甲酸能够影响胚鼠发育中腭突腭间充质细胞增殖,导致日后骨量发育不足,形成腭裂。Conclusion RA affects the proliferation of the embryonic palate mesenchyme cells. This results in insufficient development of palatal shelves and leads to cleft palate.