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我骗倒你了!I got you!

你说动我了。You got me.

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你家有蟑螂吗?Got Roaches?

你感到恶心?You got sick?

我是一手同花。I got a flush.

我来网住它!I got the net!

她得了艾滋病。She's got AZT.

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他得到了那份工作。He got the job.

我长了一颗青春豆!I've got a zit!

我非走不可了!I've got to go!

但是我必须要走。But I got to go.

手边有笔吗?Got a pen handy?

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我得了淋病。I got gonorrhea.

我都六神无主了。I got so scared.

我中暑了。I got sunstroke.

我带着你呢,泰丝!I got you, Tess!

他刚回来。He just got back.

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排我后面,我先到的。I got here first.

我知道了。谢谢。I got it. Thanks.

我跑了起来,被浇湿了。I ran. I got wet.