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但是这个不适宜人居住的地形却是城市未来发展的关键。But this inhospitable terrain is also key to the boomtown future.

与美国的其他地方比较起来,硅谷像是个新兴之城。Compared with the rest of America, Silicon Valley feels like a boomtown.

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但曾经把特莱塞变为新兴小镇的矿业最终也使它成为毫无生气的被荒废小镇。But, the mines that turned Treece into a boomtown ultimately left it lifeless and abandoned.

在中国南方与香港临界的新兴都市深圳,蔡伟军曾试着这样做。In the southern boomtown of Shenzhen, bordering Hong Kong, Cai Weijun has been trying just that.

将在这一天结婚的阿琳·希克森和她的未婚夫托尼·格�格沃斯基提前两年就预订了布姆敦俱乐部酒店。Arlene Hixson and her fiance, Tony Goligowski, booked the date at Boomtown almost two years in advance.

在中国南部的新兴城市深圳,通常都很少说三道四的立法者们却开始罕见的抱怨起来。IN THE southern boomtown of Shenzhen, normally docile legislators have been complaining with unusual vigour.

但捕鱼业照样新闻,任吃自助餐的价格很合理,布兰森依旧是个新兴都市。But the fishing's still great, prices at the all-you-can-eat buffets reasonable, and Branson's still a boomtown.

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李在东莞与另外两个女人共用的宿舍中说道,这是一个靠近香港南部沿海的新型城市。Li says in the simple dorm room she shares with two other women in Dongguan, a southern coastal boomtown near Hong Kong.

李在东莞与另外两个女人共用的宿舍中说道,这是一个靠近香港南部沿海的新型城市。" Li says in the simple dorm room she shares with two other women in Dongguan, a southern coastal boomtown near Hong Kong.

这个开发区希望续写1980年代东部新兴城市深圳或1990年代上海浦东的辉煌。The zone hopes to succeed much as the southern boomtown of Shenzhen did in the 1980s, or Shanghai's Pudong did in the 1990s.

他们生活在一个因银矿而繁荣的城镇,在那里,辛勤劳动和突如其来的好运偶尔会使一个贫困潦倒的人成为富翁。They lived near a silver boomtown where hard work and sudden luck were transforming the occasional poor man into a wealthy one.

将在这一天结婚的阿琳·希克森和她的未婚夫托尼·格里格沃斯基提前两年就预订了布姆敦俱乐部酒店。Arlene Hixson and her betrothed, lunette carrera, Tony Goligowski, reserved the date at Boomtown virtually two years in advance.

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南方的深圳市就在进入该市道路上设置了安检站,要求人们出示护照或身份证。Highways into the southern boomtown of Shenzhen have security cordons where entrants are required to show a passport or identification card.

中国这种虚夸的增长对谢军来说没有意义,他在中国广东东莞乡镇开了一家工厂。经历着难熬的一年。China's gaudy growth doesn't mean much to Xie Jun, who runs a factory in the southern Chinese boomtown of Dongguan. He's enduring a tough year.

一度强劲的波兰币兹罗提对美元和欧元贬值,华沙新兴都市活力,被紧盯兹罗提走势的紧张心情替换。The boomtown energy here has been replaced by nervous eyeing of the once powerful zloty , as it retreats in value against the dollar and the euro.

的确,上海这种发达都市不能代表全中国的普遍水平,但测验分数还是有指标意义。It's true that students in boomtown Shanghai aren't representative of those in all of China, but when it comes to metrics like test scores, symbolism matters.

在这个300万人口的城市中开车穿过这些乱糟糟的半成品的街道里需要经常做U形转弯和佛陀一般的耐性,但是每条路都最终通向的是一个工厂。Driving down the cluttered and half-constructed streets of this 3-million-strong boomtown requires frequent U-turns and the patience of Buddha, but every road eventually leads back to a factory.

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汉森说,尽管他是在Boomtown赌场由詹达利一手培养起来的,还是詹达利第三次婚礼上的伴郎,但他直到三年前才发现詹达利是乔布斯的生父。Mr. Henson said he found out only three years ago that Mr. Jandali had fathered Mr. Jobs even though Mr. Henson was mentored by Mr. Jandali at Boomtown and was the best man at his third wedding.