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什么是落叶树?What are deciduous trees?

落叶轻盈地舞蹈。Deciduous lightweight and dance.

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落叶小乔木或灌木。Small deciduous trees or shrubs.

落叶灌木或小乔木。Deciduous leaf bush or small tree.

落叶树能抵御寒冬。Deciduous trees can persist winter.

为落叶乔木,高20米左右。For deciduous trees, 20 meters high.

落叶孤零飘下。Deciduous solitary zero floating down.

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书籍中有许多非永久性的东西。There is much that is deciduous in books.

屋檐和落叶树提供了最佳的遮阳。Eaves and deciduous trees allows optimal sun protection.

落叶灌木类,如丁香、绣线菊、绣球花等。Deciduous shrub style such as lilac, spirea, hydrangea, etc.

窗外的落叶掺树。冰花凋零。Outside the window of the deciduous tree-doped. Binghua few.

落叶灌木类,如丁香、绣线菊、绣球花等。Deciduous shrub style such as lilac, spirea, hydrangea , etc.

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落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、槐木、梨树等等。Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, ash, pear, etc.

他对收集落叶树的叶子感兴趣。He is interested in collecting leaves of the deciduous trees.

该合集包含了180个高精度的室外阔叶树和灌木植物模型。Over 180 high quality 3d models of deciduous trees and shrubs.

过于繁茂的落叶灌木可以在每年的这个时候修剪。Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.

落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸、紫荆等等。Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, apple, etc.

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落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、槐木、梨树等等。Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, redbud, etc.

落叶有情映菊花,残阳无意照晚霞。Deciduous love reflected chrysanthemum, the unintentional as sunset.

马鲁拉树是原产于南非和东非的落叶树种。The Marula is a deciduous tree native to Southern and Eastern Africa.