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胡克弹性定律?。Hooke's law of elasticity?

这就是所谓的需求弹性。It is called the elasticity of demand.

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具有极好的柔软性和弹性。It has good flexibility and elasticity.

该洞的弹性是不够的。The elasticity of the holes is not sufficient.

弹性冷切刀,可靠耐用。Elasticity cool cutting blade , long time to use.

网络需要更多的资讯和弹性。The network needs more intelligence and elasticity.

选择点弹性还是弧弹性?To choose the point elasticity or the arc elasticity?

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该产品手感丰满、弹性足、悬垂性好。The fabric is good at handle, elasticity and pendency.

听说过延展强度吗?胡克定律?Ever hear of te ile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity?

支出弹性以猪杂最高。Edible pork offal had the largest expenditure elasticity.

听说过延展强度吗?胡克定律?Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity?

听说过抗张强度麽?胡克弹性定律?。Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke's law of elasticity?

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这次,美国新立法律的灵活性也许能有所帮助。This time the elasticity of the new American law may help.

有较好的耐化学性,高回弹,低冷流。Good chemical resistance , high elasticity , low cold flow.

爆炸过后,塑胶显示出永久的弹性.After the blast the plastics show everlasting elasticity.

内填充物均为高品质PP棉,具有良好的弹性。Within the filler are high quality PP cotton, good elasticity.

它不但能滋润肌肤,更使肌肤变得有弹性。It moisturizes the skin and the elasticity gets better as well.

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该共聚酯有极好的拉伸性能和回弹性。The copolyester is an excellent elasticity and tensile properties.

这是根据定价弹性研究和消费者的需求决定的。This is based upon pricing elasticity studies and consumer demand.

研究了跨时段负荷价格弹性性质。Inter-temporal demand-price elasticity effect is discussed firstly.