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痤疮、青春痘、粉刺、结痂斑点。Acne. Zits.

痤疮毛孔堵塞的结果。Acne results from clogged pores.

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你担忧你脸上的粉刺吗?Do you worry abot acne on your face?

可以减少脸上长青春都的痕迹。Reduce acne traces left on the face.

适合油性、混合性、暗疮肌肤。Fit for oily, combination, acne skin.

你可以把芦荟涂抹在粉刺上面。You can apply aloe vera gel on the acne.

怀孕时不断长痘痘正常吗?Acne during pregnancy continue to normal?

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帮助保持皮肤暗疮粉刺的新明确。Help keep skin clear of new acne pimples.

往常有些祛痘产品真的太多了!Always some acne products really too much!

自己谁有祛痘阅历通知一下吧!Their own acne experience who informed on!

问题是,并非每个人再过痤疮。The problem is, not everyone outgrows acne.

是秘方配制的专治青春痘痤疮的。Tyranny is the secret acne acne preparation.

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通常它被用于治疗重度粉刺。Often it can be used for severe acne treatment.

肤质较厚,毛孔粗大,冗杂长粉刺和面疱。Thick skin, large pores, acne and acne jumbled.

消除及改善毛孔粗大、痤疮疤痕。Eliminate and enhance rough pore , acne and scar.

皮肤过敏、芳华豆、暗疮印、毛囊炎。Skin allergy, pimple, acne mark and folliculitis.

另外,夏天的阳光也会让痘痘好转。In addition, the summer sun also make acne better.

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适合各种暗疮、粉刺所遗留的暗疮印肌肤使用。The acne mark skin left by various comedo and acne.

由于油,毛孔很粗大,还很冗杂长痘痘。The oil, the pore is very thick, very jumbled acne.

我们认为,痤疮和油性皮肤是分不开的。We believe that acne and oily skin are inseparable.