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操练完毕。The drill is over.

现在,打开电钻。Now, run the drill.

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钻完方钻杆。Drill the Kelly down.

这是消防演习。This is a fire drill.

哦,我知道这种训练。Oh, I know this drill.

大尺寸井眼就需要双泵。To drill big size hole.

这是牙科医生用的钻子。It is a dentist's drill.

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你们应该已经熟悉方法了。Again, you know the drill.

他获准不必参加操练。He was excused from drill.

举行弃船演习。Conduct-abandon ship drill.

说着又开动牙钻钻了起来。He operated the drill again.

这种谷物是条播的。The grain was sown in drill.

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钻头末端是空的。At the end the drill is free.

提起钻柱测试工具。Pick up drill stem test tool.

需要一根短钻铤。We need a short drill collar.

甩掉这根弯钻杆。Lay down this bent drill pipe.

她只好步行去上班。She had to drill to the office.

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这根钻杆和那根一样长。This drill pipe is if that one.

进行消防演习并报告。Execute a fire drill and report.

清把这些钻杆数一下!Pleottom count these drill pipes!