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生来就不会流一滴泪的顽愚。Not to shed a tear.

她轻轻拭去他的眼泪。Shed away his tears.

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掉鳄鱼的眼泪。Shed crocodile tears.

是我们的煤棚。That was our coal shed.

掉鳄鱼眼泪。To shed crocodile tear.

他盖了一间自行车棚。He built a bicycle shed.

很快一个棚就成型了。Soon, a shed took shape.

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鸭子的羽毛不沾水。A ducks feathers shed water.

她在羊棚里卖羊。She sells sheep in the shed.

那个故事使我流了泪。The story made me shed tears.

鲜血已洒得太多。Too much blood has been shed.

他把花园的小棚打扫乾净。He cleaned out the garden shed.

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她的血没有白流。Her blood was not shed in vain.

血从他脸上一滴滴流下来。Much blood was shed in the war.

他们在这儿搭建一个车棚。They fixed up a bike shed here.

反思我们过去的流血牺牲?All the blood we've shed before?

他将自行车放在车棚内。He left his bicycle in the shed.

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他将脚踏车放在车棚内。He left his bicycle in the shed.

我只有感激涕零。Here and now I alone shed tears.

阳光送进金色的图案。and sunrays shed golden pattern.