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书中还有两个简短的附录。There are two short appendices.

这本辞书有几项附录。This dictionary has several appendices.

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两个附录是有关这些培训专家的。Two appendices focus on these trainers.

六个附录覆盖一组主题。The six appendices cover an array of topics.

以下附录是本合同的不可缺少的内容The following Appendices shall be integral parts of this Contract

那些无关紧要的材料将被归入附录中。The material which is of no consequence will be relegated to appendices.

其他的附录提供参考资料和扩展的实例。The other appendices provide reference material and an extended example.

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比如说现在发动机上的一些附件也是要损耗能量的。For example now on engine's some appendices are also must lose the energy.

这会帮助你决定需要什么样的书写风格和什么样的附加信息。That will help you decide what writing style and what appendices are required.

本书面实施细则的附件列出了最低的培训和经验要求。The appendices to this Written Practice list minimum training and experience requirements.

按照我的经验,最好把评估和附录分开。From my experience, it's best to make the assessment and the appendices separate artifacts.

其他相互参照的诠释引导读者去查阅图解,用法说明,研习专业和附录。Other cross-references direct you to illustrations, notes on usage, study pages and appendices.

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除去序言、补遗、索引和附录的书或文献的主要部分。The content of a book or document exclusive of prefatory matter codicils indexes or appendices.

合同的所有附件都是合同必不可分割的一部分。All the appendices and additions to the present contract are to be considered its integral part.

除去序言、补遗、索引和附录的书或文献的主要部分。The content of a book or document exclusive of prefatory matter, codicils, indexes, or appendices.

最后一个章节为作者提供了一个结束的思维,紧接着是四个很有用的附录。The last chapter, which offers the authors' closing thoughts, is followed by four useful appendices.

有些经理们把数据和统计信息放在报告的最前面,而另外那些经理在报告的末尾用了附录。Some of your managers put the data and statistics right at the beginning, while others use appendices at the end.

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每份工作描述及附件须经双方签署并作为本合同合法有效的组成部分。Each Statement of Work and Appendices must be signed by the parties and constitute the reference to this Contract.

在填写本部分前,请參阅考生指南附錄二及三有关申请豁免考试的指引。Please refer to the Guidelines in Appendices II & III of the Guidance Notes to Candidates before completing this part.

附录名单提供新的和二手书的生产来源,并联系武术图书主要出版商的信息。Appendices list productive sources for new and used books, and contact information for major publishers of martial arts books.