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你能列个费用清单吗?Can you itemize a list of the charges?

分条缕述计画的每种元素哪一你已经惊吓。Itemize every element of a project that has you scared.

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现在还需要详细说明这样比较的根据么?Is it still necessary to itemize the basis for comparison?

请详细列明盖车库所需各种材料。Please itemize the materials we shall need to build the garage.

我公司九月份销售比八月份增加56万美元,详情如下。Our september sale increase 560 thousand over August which itemize here below.

但是,在低收入水平的纳税人不倾向于逐项,以标准扣除额代替。But taxpayers at low income levels don't tend to itemize taking the standard deduction instead.

由于几乎任何东西都可以是服务,所以很难完整地列出应用商业的清单。Since almost anything can be a service, it would be hard to itemize an exhaustive list of applicable businesses.

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总之,在现实生活中有关精神分裂症吃什么的饮食注意事项还有很多,这里就不再逐个列举。In short, in real life, what to eat on a diet of schizophrenia there are many considerations, there is no longer itemize.

据布莱迪介绍,Slice还能逐条记录每笔采购,目前,就算信用公司做不到这一点。Slice can also itemize each purchase, something credit companies cannot track when they list spending, according to Brady.

笔者认为,欲在二者间取得平衡,即应将反倾销法的条文细致化,加强其可操作性。The writer believes that to obtain the balance of the two aspects, we shall itemize the anti-dumping clause, strengthen its maneuverability.

不要只在代办事项列表中为这些任务留一行,而是把它分成好几个部分,把它变成一系列的小任务。Instead of giving the task only one line in the “to do” list, itemize each part of the project so that instead of one task, it becomes a series of tasks.

花时间写一份表格,上面写好相关问题,及自己技能、价值、兴趣、优缺点的详细说明。Take the time to compile a list of responses to both types of questions and to itemize your skills, values, and interests as well as your strengths and weaknesses.

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由于几乎任何东西都可以是服务,所以很难完整地列出应用商业的清单。Since almost anything can be a service, it would be hard to itemize an exhaustive list of applicable businesses. However, we can mention a few straightforward examples