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法拉利在不停息的工作。Ferrari is working with no respite.

跳进水内只能失掉暂时的缓解。Jumping into water is the only respite.

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中国北方干旱地区开始降雪。Snowfall brings respite to drought-hit areas.

出卖灵魂能够缓解痛苦。That the selling of the soul would give respite.

他们终究会回升,但需要先缓一缓.We'll eventually come back but we need a bit of a respite.

导演让全体演员在下一场开始之前稍事休息。The director gave the cast a short respite before the next scene.

黑骑士对使者施展索命咒,做了他。The Black Knight casts Death's Respite on the herald, killing him.

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他们已经好几周没有在炮火中获得任何喘息的机会了。It was some weeks now since they had had any respite from shellfire.

雪终于向南方转移了,让他们有了喘口气的机会。The snows had finally moved off to the south and given them a respite.

生命就是且缓一语气再讲,翌再说翌的。-老舍。Life is to talk after a respite and not to act ahead of schedule. —Lao She.

但是,这”巨大“的需求只能是中国决策者们的一个缓兵之计。But that massive demand offers only a temporary respite for Chinese policymakers.

如果你要照顾亲爱的家人,你需要暂时变换一下角色。If you're caring for a loved one at home, you need respite from your caregiving role.

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印度半岛和周边地区看不到喘息机会。However, no such respite is in the offing for peninsular India and surrounding regions.

希特勒的侵俄计划,不久就给我们的空中任务带来了极其需要的喘息机会。Hitler's plan for the invasion of Russia soon brought us much-needed respite in the air.

这项研究的结果对于设计暂息护理的方案尤其重要。The results of this study are particularly important in designing respite care programs.

对于SPDC这边,他们也希望在1988年的起义之后,有一个喘息的机会用以巩固城市地区。From the SPDC side, they wanted a respite to consolidate urban areas after the 1988 uprising.

我常想在纷扰中寻出一点闲静来,然而委实不容易。I often hanker after a little peace and respite from confusion, but it is really hard to come by.

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事实上,几周之前,ECB才开始这样做,也对这些国家带来了临时的缓解。C. B. started doing just that a few weeks ago, and produced a temporary respite for those nations.

从珍娜帕里死后,布里真德总算从持续了两个月不到的自杀浪潮中有点喘息的余地了。Bridgend’s respite from the wave of suicides lasted less than two months after Jenna Parry’s death.

阴影来自于上层的悬挑部分,在热带地区为小屋带来暂时的休息和欢迎。SHADE, from the upper cantilevering storey, brings respite and is welcoming in this tropical region.