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但是它们可以提供可用的光学和红外数据。But they can produce useable optical and infrared data.

这些二手的电脑零件还可以使用。These second-hand computer components are still useable.

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这里的浴室使用方便,而且干净,甚至有浴盆。The designer bathrooms were very useable and clean, and even have bidets.

我们减小了雷神的碰撞体积是为了让他更可用。We have reduced the physical and pathing size of the Thor just to make him more useable.

这种设计材料创新空间十分广阔,并且适用于各种气候。Loads of room for creativity with this option, and certainly useable in various climates.

并提出了研究地裂的目的是为预防地质灾害服务,在预防方面尽量采取避让的措施。The further study of ground fissures can be a useable way to prevent geological disaster.

也因为酒醉的原因,我只拍到了5张可以看的照片。Also because of the general level of intoxication I only managed to take 5 useable photos.

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从长远角度看,实验室器皿的重复利用并尽量减少废物的生成,可以大幅度降低成本。Re- useable laboratory ware is generally cheaper in the long-term and generates less waste.

巴里切罗使用的是第六台引擎,同时证实了他之前使用的五台引擎仍然可用。Barrichello is on his sixth engine, but confirmed that all of the previous five remain useable.

从按下电源键到进入可用桌面总共需要30秒钟,最多30秒。From the time I push the power button until I have a useable desktop is about 30 seconds, tops.

合理设计的搅拌器会改善混响室的场均匀性、降低最低可用频率。Proper design of stir will improve the field uniformity and lower the minimum useable frequency.

本品易拿取、用量少、特别适用于不易给油的侧面孔和冲孔之类的加工。This product is easy to pick up, low dosage, especially useable for side hole and punching hole.

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喜,便很大,如果闪卡是可用的对我的拥有,好像的版本。Hi , It would be great if the Flashcard was useable on my i Phone , it seems like the version of.

期待至少有六到七个可听性很好的音轨,也许更多,假如你不像我有那无可药救的挑剔。Expect to get at least six or seven useable tracks, more if you aren't as ridiculously picky as I am.

在这种方法投入移植中正式使用前,可能还有很长一段路要走,但是这仍是令人激动的设想。There is a long way to go before it could result in useable transplants, but it is an exciting vision.

它可用的有效载荷较大,其最高速度可媲美结束,但并不像飞机燃料效率。Its useable payload is larger, its top end speed is comparable but the airplane is not as fuel-efficient.

用户指南给他提供了所有可用的元素,其初始风格跟iOS界面看起来非常像。The user guide provides him with all the useable elements that are pre styled to look like the iOS interface.

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可以理解的是,人们想尽可能利用好每一个宝贵的像素点。Understandably people want to use those precious pixels and squeeze every useable space they can out of a layout.

膛内弹上高压气室气流模型的动态实验,证实了这三个模型的正确性和实用性。The dynamic tests above gaseous flow's model had confirmed that above these three models were accurate and useable.

这一平面的用意在于激发你去尝试新方法,使创意有用、可行和被人们喜爱。This deck is meant to encourage you to try new approaches for makingdesign useful, useable and delightful to people.