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警方跟踪达根从东伦敦的哈克尼到莱顿。Duggan was followed from an address in Hackney and one in Leyton, east London.

明年,一个盛大的赛前音乐节在哈克尼市的开幕,将会使该市更加具有吸引力。A huge pre-games music festival in Hackney next year could make it trendier still.

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他的主要目的就要去查出他们在克拉普汗所搭乘的那辆出租马车的号码。His principal object must be to discover the number of the hackney coach which took them from Clapham.

报道指出,伦敦南部克罗伊登和克拉珀姆区以及东部的哈克尼区均遭到闹事者焚烧。Reports that the South London and Croydon and Clapham area east of Hackney have been burning the perpetrators.

一次,21岁的青年在汉克尼路的酒吧外面连续遭刺,而使其瘫痪。In one incident, a 21-year-old man was paralysed after he was stabbed repeatedly outside a bar in Hackney Road.

住在伦敦东北的哈克尼·玛希一家的院子里就会到处结满甘甜可口的黑莓果实。Every year between June and October, the Hackney Marshesin north-east London are covered with sweet, luscious blackberries.

接着西蒙斯夫人雇了一辆四轮大马车把伊莉莎和夭折的孩子送到救济院的医院。Mrs Symmons sent for a hackney coach to remove Eliza and her dead child from her house to the Marylebone Workhouse infirmary.

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拉蒂摩之家,一家摆满复古服饰、播放着40年代音乐的克莱斯特彻奇家具店,在哈克尼也不会显得格格不入。Latimer House, a Christ church furniture store full of retro clothing and 1940s music, would not look out of place in Hackney.

这个年轻人参与了在布里克斯顿和克拉彭的打劫活动,还有一些其他地方,他不太记得了。This young man was involved in looting in Brixton, Clapham, Hackney and another place – but he can’t remember what it’s called.

她的项链看上去有点像土耳其“罪恶眼睛”那样的饰品,所有哈克尼的出租车司机都从后视镜里挂上一个。Her necklace looked like one of those Turkish “evil eye” things that all the cabbies in Hackney have hanging from the rear view mirror.

8日下午,大批骚乱分子在伦敦东部的佩卡姆和哈克尼两个地区游荡,他们洗劫商店、袭击公交车、并对私家车和商店放火。On Monday afternoon large gangs roamed Peckham and Hackney in east London, looting shops, attacking buses and setting cars and shops alight.

以后他就设法寻找作家助手的工作,替出版商或是法学院的律师们抄写,但是这方面他也找不到空缺。Then he endeavored to get employment as a hackney writer, to copy for the stationers and lawyers about the Temple, but could find no vacancy.

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哎哟!可是他们把原来的马车打发走,换上了出租的马车,光是凭这一点就可想而知!此外,到巴纳特去的路上,也找不到他们的踪迹。Oh! but their removing from the chaise into an hackney coach is such a presumption! And, besides, no traces of them were to be found on the Barnet road.