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她是一名卫生员。She is a medical orderly.

艾贝是个医科学生。Abe was a medical student.

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萨格女士是一名医学类作家。Mizz Sugg is a medical writer.

这儿是挂号处吗?Medical department?Are you sure?

过度使用现代医学名词术语。Overuse of Modern Medical Terms.

工人享受公费医疗。Workers enjoy free medical care.

入声吕雷克医用助听器InSound Medical Lyric Hearing Aid

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阿梅利亚将会接受医学检查。Amelia will made the medical tests.

这是运动员医疗室。It's the medical room for athletes.

我们中国公民享受公费医疗。We Chinese enjoy free medical care.

在北京协和医学院。At the Peking Union Medical College.

我正好在医学成像方面有所研究。I happen to work in medical imaging.

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Destounis博士对Medscape医学新闻说。Destounis told Medscape Medical News.

五年制的?你读的是医学院吗?Five-year? You are at medical school?

他现在是保外就医。He is now released on medical parole.

中央大学拥有大型医疗学校。NCU has a large-scale medical school.

他挣扎着走到一个医疗站。He had struggled to a medical station.

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我受伤的手臂需要医疗处理。My hurted arm needs medical treatment.

结果病案质量得到提高。Results Medical record mass gets rise.

什么时候应当求医?When should someone seek medical care?