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饿极了的孩子把桌上所有东西吃掉了。The ravenous children ate everything on the table.

贪吃的野兽随意出没在乡间。Ravenous beasts freely roved up and down the country.

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从字面上来说,对于极饿的人,生存才是王道。Literally speaking, for the ravenous person, survival is king.

他饥饿且贪得无厌,是一条“咬尾的龙蛇”。He is ravenous and insatiable, the "dragon-snake that eats its own tail".

类星体就像是宇宙中最贪得无厌,最无法无天的怪家伙。Quasars are perhaps the most ravenous and immortal beasts in the universe.

中国人是世界上的土狼,英国人则像一只贪婪的狮子。The Chinese are the hyenas of the world. The British came like ravenous lions.

中国对进口商品的旺盛需求正在改变世界经济格局。China's ravenous appetite for imports is already transforming the world economy.

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那印度呢?是一只聪明但移动缓慢的大象,亦或是一只美味而又贪婪的老虎?What about India -- a wise, slow-moving elephant or a toothsome, ravenous tiger?

文湘琳身躯娇小,依偎在文祥身边,就像一只垂涎三尺的小野猫。Wen Xianglin's small body snuggled close to Wen Xiang's like some ravenous kitten.

很多人好奇僵尸父母培养出的孩子怎么总是食肉成性。A lot of people wonder how zombie parents raise such stereotypically ravenous kids.

即使当情绪从饥饿转变为浪漫时,事情看来也没有改善很多。Things don't seem to improve much even after the mood goes from ravenous to romantic.

但对连日来缺乏营养的海地人说,食品远远不够。But Haitians ravenous from days without nourishment say the food is not nearly enough.

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现在人们都加入到疯狂购物的大军中,和贪婪的吸血鬼饕餮着鲜血无异。Now people go out in a mad rush to shop, like ravenous vampires feasting on new blood.

追了那男人许久,李拉饥渴难耐,便从树上偷了椰子,砸开,喝着椰汁。After chasing him, she was ravenous and stole coconuts from trees. She cracked them open.

人们说‘只要知道你的约会对象,就不会再追问其它事了。’People say, ‘Just say who you’re dating. Then people will stop being so ravenous about it’.

近几年来,科学将我们迫不及待要吃的食欲跟基因和激素联系起来。Within the past few years, science has linked our ravenous appetites to genes and hormones.

市场对较长期资产的强劲买兴蔓延至各类固定收益资产.The ravenous market appetite for long-dated assets spread across the fixed-income asset spectrum.

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主宰手握大军不动,悄悄的看着神民净化被污染的赵莎拉殖民地。Holding its ravenous warriors at bay, the Overmind watched as the Protoss razed the colony of Chau Sara.

冰冠西北小岛附近海域的鲨鱼已经从之前的庞然巨物回到了现在的尺寸。Ravenous Jaws off the coast of Icecrown grew strangely large and have been returned to their normal size.

海洋保护组织珊瑚礁环境教育基金会的洛德•埃金斯说,这些贪吃的鱼会吃掉途经的一切生物。These ravenous fish eat everything in their path, says Lad Akins, with the marine conservation group REEF.