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敲打着,呜咽着,奏出一支美妙的老调子Beat and sob to the old refrain

叠句常用于诗歌中。Refrain is often used in a poem.

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叠句让诗歌更优美。Refrain makes the poetry beautiful.

姿态是叠句的支点。Gesture is the strong point of the refrain.

让我们避开哲学的争论。Let us refrain from arguing philosophically.

这种话你常常能从老板的口中听到。It's a refrain you often hear from employers.

避免用一个词组或一首歌名的首字母。The first letter of a phrase or song refrain.

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在塞尔维亚飞地中这是最常见的说法。It is a common refrain in the Serbian enclaves.

我们绝不可在公共场所吐痰。We must refrain from spitting in public places.

你应当克制自己不要作无原则的争论。You should refrain from unprincipled argument.

你不要背后诽谤人。You should refrain your tongue from backbiting.

希望他们能克制不采取敌对行动。Let's hop they will refrain from hostile action.

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她不禁破涕为笑。She couldn't refrain from smiling through tears.

每当你感到伤痛时,玉阶兄,要忍住啊!And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain.

我只是试着别在工作时打瞌睡而已。I'm just trying to refrain from drowsing at work.

不要适度沉沦于吃喝或是工作。Refrain from overindulging food, drink, and work.

耶和华阿,有这些事,你还忍得住吗。Wilt thou refrain thyself for these things, O LORD?

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事实上,这种建议已经变得稀松平常了。Indeed, this advice has become a ubiquitous refrain.

那叠句叫他发疯,他想摆脱它。The refrain maddened him, he tried to escape from it.

如果你还想要爱我,那就不要再犹豫!So if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain . !