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平心而论,澳洲央行的成功也有一部分归功于好运气.To be fair, the RBA owes some of its success to good fortune.

“可能对我的澳大利亚央行预测也有不利影响”,他说。“Possibly there are downside risks to my RBA forecasts,” he said.

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一些分析师曾预计澳大利亚央行几个月后开始加息。Several analysts had expected the RBA to commence rate hikes a few months later.

由于澳大利亚央行利率的降低幅度远远超过市场预期,澳元兑美元下跌至0.6595。AudUsd traded down to 0.6595, as the RBA lowered interest rates by more than expected.

澳央行宣布对澳大利亚经济的展望是对以上议题的有秩序的应对。The RBA said its economic outlook for Australia "incorporates an orderly resolution" of these issues.

既然澳元走强会推高进口通胀,联储或希望限制其涨势。Since a stronger Aussie could push up import inflation, the RBA may want to limit the currency's gains.

澳大利亚储蓄银行必须瘦身国内经济,将资源腾给投资不然就得冒通膨爆炸的危险。The RBA must lean into the domestic economy to free resources for this investment or risk a burst of inflation.

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由于其经济增长,澳大利亚储蓄银行是在全球金融危机后首个提高利率的央行。As its economy grew, the RBA became one of the first central banks to raise interest rates after the global financial crisis.

推低澳元的一部分原因是有传澳洲联储正在市场上沽出澳元,也就是说0.96是联储的容忍极限。This was partly driven by rumors that the RBA was in the market selling Aussie, suggesting 0.96 is the Bank's tolerance level.

通过两种全新方法的提出,为下一步以纸页密度为桥梁,用纤维柔软度来计算RBA提供了理论基础。All these offered a strong theory support for determining RBA with FI by the aid of sheet density for the further investigation.

今天另一焦点在澳洲联储及日本央行利率决议上,两者如所料均没有新的动向。The other focus of the day was the pending rate decisions from the RBA and the BOJ which as expected turned out to be non-events.

市场将期待着明日的澳洲联储会议纪要,而有关日本和欧盟的债务问题的干预会谈的举行也将是市场的重点。Markets would be looking forward to tomorrow's RBA minutes of meeting while the intervention talks in Japan and EU debt issues hold focus.

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但该货币对在数据揭晓后不知为何即刻下跌30点左右,至0.9475。之后,因等待澳洲联储利率决议而反弹至0.9510。However, the pair inexplicably shed about 30 pips to 0.9475 immediately after the data, recovering to 0.9510 as it waited for the RBA rate decision.

央行总裁史蒂文斯长期以来一直看多中国,且预计中国经济繁荣还会持续数十年,就像日本在二次大战后的重新崛起.RBA chief Stevens has long been a China bull seeing several decades of boom ahead for the country, much like Japan's re-emergence after World War Two.

澳央行还说,高汇率会对一下几个领域造成重要影响,包括制造业,旅游业,高等教育。"The high exchange rate is having a significant influence on a number of sectors, including manufacturing, tourism and tertiary education, " the RBA said.

澳洲央行认为自己的积极应对是必要的,因为楼市泡沫是由债务催生,且对经济的杀伤力较股市泡沫等更大.The RBA thought its aggressive response necessary because housing bubbles are driven by debt and more damaging to the economy, than say a stock market bubble.

最近的一次由NDFB和乌尔法发动的罢工证明了不丹王室军队没有能真正削弱他们,而他们则继续进行他们的掠夺和暴力。The latest strikes by the NDFB and Ulfa are proof that the RBA offensive has not really decimated their numbers, who continue to resort to extortion and violence.

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但一旦该国经济在洪水过后显示出重获增长的迹象,那麽澳洲央行无疑将持续收紧政策.But once the economy, which is on track to grow at a robust 3 percent this year, shows signs of regaining traction post-floods, the RBA will no doubt continue to tighten policy.

一些经济分析师指出,澳洲房地产价格在2004年之后继续上涨,成为全球房价最难负担的地区之一,这一点足以证明澳洲央行并非完全成功.The fact that Australian property prices continued to rise after 2004, making homes among the least affordable in the world, meant the RBA was not entirely successful, some economists say.

无论如何,报告可能推动澳元上试0.9326附近的阻力位,并让下月加息的成数更大,届时澳洲央行可能会加息25个基点。Nonetheless, the report will give a boost to the AUD aiming for a test of resistance around 0.9326, and solidify expectations for a rate hike next month, when the RBA is set to hike by 25bps.