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音乐是无限的。You are infinite.

它们丌是无限的。They are not infinite.

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弹夹内无穷弹药。Infinite a. mmo. in clip.

那就是无限赛局。That is the infinite game.

无限风光在前头!Infinite beauty in the head!

开路时电阻为无穷大。Has infinite resistance when open.

他力大无穷,无人能比。His infinite power, no competition.

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时间既是有限的又是无限的。Time is finite and infinite. i def.

梦想无止境,活力无极限。Dream is endless, vigour is infinite.

大千世界,网海茫茫,?Infinite universe, net sea boundless?

解除了限制,你现在就是无限的。You are infinite right now unlimited.

让人无限哀婉。and make people feel infinite pathos.

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音符是有限的,但音乐是无限的。Keys are finite, but you are infinite.

典藏版所提供的染料是无限的。The CE dyes are infinite in their use.

哪道题的商是无限小数?Which quotients are infinite decimals?

那所说的无限赛局,是无限赛定义。That's the definition of infinite game.

其实它又何曾是无限的?Atually it has ever never been infinite.

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我们在命运里闪转腾挪。No gene called destiny, WE ARE INFINITE.

就是从无量功德智慧。It comes from infinite merits and wisdom.

迴荡,人生转不出爱情的无限迴圈。Echoed, no love life to the infinite loop.