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目的探讨转移性脑膜癌病的MRI表现特征。Objective To study the MRI finding features of metastatic meningeal carcinomatosis.

目的探讨脑膜癌病的诊治方法及预后。Objective To approach the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of meningeal carcinomatosis.

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目的探讨脑膜癌病的临床和脑脊液细胞学特徵。Objective To explore clinical and cytological features of CSF in meningeal carcinomatosis.

这里报道了一位47岁的女性HCC破裂患者,发展为复发性多癌病。This report describes a 47-year woman with ruptured HCC who developed recurrent carcinomatosis.

腹腔内转移扩散合并肠阻塞通常是末期及难以治疗的。Intra-abdominal carcinomatosis with intestinal obstruction is usually a terminal and refractory event.

结合文献对10例脑膜癌病的临床资料进行分析。Methods Analyzing the clinical data of 10 patients with meningeal carcinomatosis with their literature.

腹膜转移癌大多继发于腹腔内肝,胃,结肠,卵巢等肿瘤。ObjectsPeritoneal carcinomatosis is mostly metastasized from hepatic, gastric, colonic, and ovarian carcinoma.

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小鼠荷瘤状态血液粘滞度增高,微循环障碍,化疗又进一步加重以上反应。Chemotherapy exacerbate the hypercoagulability and microcirculation obstruction, which existed commonly in carcinomatosis mice.

目的探讨血清肿瘤标记物检测对脑膜癌病早期诊断的意义。Objective To investigate the early diagnostic value of detection of the serum tumor markers in patients with meningeal carcinomatosis.

这个病例的特别之处在于它是第一个被报道的男性乳腺小叶癌的癌症。This case is unusual in that it represents the first reported case of lobular carcinoma of the male breast presenting as carcinomatosis.

对47例临床证实为转移性脑膜癌病患者的MRI平扫、增强的影像资料进行回顾性分析,总结其影像特点。Methods The clinical and MRI data of 47 patients with metastatic meningeal carcinomatosis confirmed clinically were analyzed retrospectively.

故当癌症病人出现突发性听力丧失时,必须安排核磁共振检查以排除小脑桥脑角转移或脑膜性癌的可能性。Therefore, when a cancer patient has sudden hearing loss, an MRI scan should be carried out to confirm CPA metastasis or meningeal carcinomatosis.

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其他的可能机制包括脑膜癌病中癌细胞直接渗透如脊髓以及邻近结构的直接侵犯。Other proposed mechanisms include meningeal carcinomatosis with infiltration of cells into the cord and direct invasion from contiguous structures.

结论联合应用免疫荧光细胞化学法和LSCM检测脑脊液细胞中CEA的表达可为脑膜癌病的诊断提供可靠依据。Conclusion The sensitivity of CEA by immunofluorescence examination and LSCM is useful for the diagnosis, differential diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis.

典型的血行性转移少见癌性淋巴管炎的支气管血管周围和小叶间隔改变。Typically, hematogenous metastases lack the specific relationship to the peribronchovascular interstitium and interlobular septa seen in patients with lymphangitic carcinomatosis.

结论脑膜癌病的临床表现及影像学检查缺乏特异性,脑脊液细胞学检查是诊断脑膜癌病的可靠依据。Conclusions The clinical manifestations and imaging results of meningeal carcinomatosis lack specificity, and cytological examination of CSF is a reliable diagnosing method for this disease.

恶性细胞侵犯可导致局部淋巴结病如在头颈部肿瘤的病人中,也可是全身性淋巴结病如在播散性癌转移的病人中。Invasion by malignant cells can cause either regional lymphadenopathy, as in patients with head and neck tumors, or generalized lymphadenopathy, as in patients with disseminated carcinomatosis.

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我们报导一位卅二岁女性病人罹患生殖器结核病,合并腹腔内粟粒性扩散,在手术前被诊断为卵巢恶性肿瘤合并腹膜腔癌病转移。We presented a 32-year-old female who had genital tuberculosis associated with intraperitoneal miliary spreading, diagnosed preoperatively as malignant ovarian tumor with peritoneal carcinomatosis.