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公园,所有的便利设施都很完备。has parking, all the amenities.

舒适性和高科技为关键特色Amenities and Technology Key Differentiators

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温泉设施是由两个单独的水平。Spa amenities are comprised on two separate levels.

那些不能提供竞争休憩地的城市将会被淘汰。The cities that can't provide competitive amenities will lose out.

而且那里的确很适合居住,现代设施都具备。and you know, it's a great place to live, really modern amenities.

现代化的设施包括一冰和其他用品坎蒂纳。The modern amenities include a cantina with ice and other supplies.

全真皮沙发,给您最现代的舒适与方便。An all-leather sofa affords you the latest amenities and convenience.

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女王道码头将会融商店、餐馆以及其他生活便利设施为一体。Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.

物质上可没多少享受,不过日子本身对他来说就足够了。There are few amenities of the material kind, but his days are his own.

据此,典型的贫困家庭大概拥有30种设施中的14种。According to that, the typical poor household has roughly 14 of 30 amenities.

这座圣城正在努力打造拉斯维加斯式的设施以迎接挑战。The holy city is striving to meet the challenge with some Vegas-like amenities.

提供包括书写纸,铅笔,糖及瓶装水等专业会议用品。Conference amenities including writing pads, pencils, candies and bottled water.

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调换所有用过的客用品特别是洗衣袋和洗衣单。Ensure all used amenities are replaced especially laundry bags and laundry lists.

如今,莫干山依然保持着当年的自然美景,但人工设施在动荡时期遭到了破坏。The natural beauty remains, but the man-made amenities have fallen on hard times.

它有齐传统酒店房间的一切设施,并可容纳6人。It can accomodate 6 people and has all the amenities of a conventional hotel room.

飞机上提供的便利设施包括卧铺、机上厨房。Amenities of the early DC-3 models included sleeping berths and an onboard kitchen.

试想原始水域,世外桃源的海滩,豪华水疗设施和住宿。Imagine pristine waters, hideaway beaches, luxury spa amenities and accommodations.

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对新来乍到者先留意的是某些设施。With all of those bleary -eyed check-ins comes a new emphasis on certain amenities.

公寓楼提供很多便民设施,包括健身中心和商场。The building provides some amenities including a fitness center and a shopping mall.

该中心的一个小组房屋音频系统,气候控制转盘,和其他设施。The centre panel houses an audio system, climate control dials , and other amenities.