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外王则是指卓越的“治平”社会功德。Fine morality is preeminent "Governing" society benefaction.

出生于巴士拉的阿·哈什姆是那个时代的思想先驱者。Born in Basra, al-Haytham was a preeminent thinker of his age.

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海南沿海纯净无污染,海南珍珠品质超群。There is no pollution along Hainan's sea, so its pearl is preeminent.

语言仍然在我们所见的各种形式的思考中突出,我们真的。Language is still preeminent in the kinds of thinking that we've been doing.

美国不仅是世界头号经济体,而且仍是卓尔不群的超级大国。The U.S. economy is the world's largest. America remains the preeminent superpower.

每个棒球员都羡慕他,因为在投球方面,他胜过任何竞争者。Every baseball player envies him, he is preeminent above all his rivals for pitching.

每个棒球员都羡慕他,因为在投球方面,他胜过任何竞争者。Every baseball player envies him, for he is preeminent above all his rivals for pitching.

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在帝国统治时期,波巴·费特成为了银河系中最卓越的赏金猎人。During the time of the Empire, Boba Fett emerged as the preeminent bounty hunter of the galaxy.

最后,饮食教规联合认证机构的标志OU是世界上最出色的认证标志。Finally, the JOINT KASHRUTH CERTIFICATION SERVICE who's OU is the world's preeminent kashruth symbol.

卓越的冬季保温和夏季隔热功能。Preeminent heat-retaining performance in winter and heat-insulating performance in summer are available.

它们可以通过发现一个国家的著名科学家从而培育国际协作研究。They could foster international collaborative research by identifying a country's preeminent researchers.

言过其实的自夸——“我们定位于成为XYZ的卓越供应商”——并不能构建其地位。Bombastic boasts—"We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ"—do not constitute a position.

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另外,象Hirth指出的一样,NYSE是国家的“顶尖交易所”,代表的是大约3000家公司。However, as Hirth points out, the NYSE is the nation's "preeminent exchange" representing about 3,000 firms.

美国米戴乐风险公司作为卓越的公司一直致力于投资出租车。We have been recognized as some of the preeminent companies involved in the financing of taxicab medallions.

赫特人贾巴是个可恶的匪徒鼻涕虫,外环星域远近闻名的犯罪集团首脑。A loathsome slug of a gangster, Jabba the Hutt was the preeminent kingpin of crime in the Outer Rim Territories.

我们也完全有理由相信,美国将再次赢得美利坚强国的卓越地位。And there is every reason to think America will once again regain its preeminent role as an American powerhouse.

假如这些企业不死的话,那些自主创新的优秀企业就不可能活下来。If these enterprise amaranthine word, the preeminent company of those own innovation comes down impossibly alive.

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在当今全球化的数字时代和电子传媒理论领域,法国哲学家德勒兹思想的影响日益凸显。In the present digital era and electrical media under globalization, the influences of Deleuze become preeminent.

我认为在美国参议院和众议院的所有成员中,他一直是一位杰出的人物。I think that among all the members of our U.S. Senate and the Congress of the United States, he has been preeminent.

有着一系列的设计缺陷,使它无法成为一种卓越的舰种。The Dreadnaught is plagued by a number of design flaws that prevented it from becoming a preeminent ship of the line.