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请移玉趾。Please move your gracious steps.

难道神忘记开恩。Hath God forgotten to be gracious?

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当我见到您就觉得是那么亲切。You are so gracious when I saw you.

亲切的校长发表了演讲。The gracious principal made a speech.

她实在很够豪爽的同意接见我们。She was gracious enough to agree to see us.

“天哪!”羊怪惊叫了一声。"Goodness gracious me! " exclaimed the Faun.

该地以祥和的气氛取代了逐渐消退的庄严。The place has a gracious air of faded grandeur.

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我收到一封有礼貌的感谢信。I received a gracious letter of acknowledgement.

对于失利,荷兰队教练伯特范马尔维克显得很坦然。Dutch coach Bert Van Marwijk was gracious in defeat.

他还没有学会怎样豁达大度地面对失败。He has not yet learned how to be gracious in defeat.

护士们在这天显得特别亲切、有爱心。Today the nurses are especially loving and gracious.

老师是一位姓沈的非常热心的女士。My English teacher is a gracious woman surnamed Shen.

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您真是很和蔼、亲切,给予了我那么热情的款待。You were so gracious to extend such warm hospitality.

我们在电话中谈得很好,他非常亲切。We had a really good phone call. He was very gracious.

我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎辞。Thank you ery much for your gracious speech of welcome.

整份菜单都弥漫着春天慷慨的精神。The gracious spirit of spring pervaded the entire menu.

如蒙光临,不胜荣幸。We shall be greatly honoured by your gracious presence.

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校长先生,谢谢你的亲切介绍。Mr. President, thank you for your gracious introduction.

他是我见过的最和蔼的女主人。Gracious She is the most gracious hostess Ihave ever known.

彼此相悦的起点应该是健康的。The starting point should be gracious to each other is healthy.