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高总与珀杜州长还就其他共同关心的问题交换了看法。Consul General Gao and Governor Perdue also exchanged views on issues of common concern.

乔治亚州州长桑尼·普度也正在访问其第二大贸易伙伴-中国。Governor Sonny Perdue of Georgia was also visiting China, its second-largest trading partner.

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北卡罗来纳州贝弗利政府敢死队称自从1984年起,此次龙卷风来袭次数最多。North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue said the number of tornadoes was the highest since 1984.

高总欢迎珀杜州长今年9月访华和参加上海世博会。She welcomes Governor Perdue to visit China and attend the Shanghai World Expo in this September.

濮德培用编年史的形式,记载了这个少为人知的中国向西北边陲扩张的故事。Peter C. Perdue chronicles this little-known story of China's expansion into the northwestern frontier.

当乔丹拳击队友科尔和威尔普度后,我不清楚那事件在当时是否全国性的新闻头条。I don't remember whether it was a national story or not when Jordan punched teammates Steve Kerr and Will Perdue.

如果格雷瓜尔卫冕成功,珀杜又在北卡罗来纳州艰难取胜,妇女将在2009年继续占有八个州长席位。If Gregoire is victorious, and if Perdue ekes out a win in North Carolina, women would continue to govern eight states in 2009.

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马刺接受了命运的安排,一个原因是公牛的报价最高,珀杜是笔不错的交易。马刺第一次夺冠时,他是成员之一。The Spurs accepted this fate for one reason. The Bulls made the best offer, and Perdue was an asset. He was part of the Spurs' first title.

贝弗·珀杜表示,北卡州十分重视与湖南省的友好交往,在当前全球化的进程中,更加期待与湖南进一步深化合作。North Carolina attaches great importance to the friendly ties with Hunan Province, and expects further cooperation under the background of globalization, said Perdue.

团的使命富兰克林体育柏杜商学院索尔兹伯里大学的东海岸马里兰州的是为学生提供知识和技能的个人和职业的成功。Perdue School of Business at Salisbury University on the Eastern Shore of Maryland is to provide students with the knowledge and skills for personal and professional success.

在另一个方向,普度是能产生大量充满了预家禽快捷的巧妙推销他们接近预先清洗沙拉在生产过道。In another direction, Perdue was able to generate a substantial buzz with its precooked poultry Shortcuts by cleverly merchandising them in close proximity to pre-washed salads in the produce aisle.

在这种模式下,学生可以自学,或者Peter,Perdue教授也经常拿这些,当作课堂讨论的材料,激发大家的讨论,看学生从中学到了什么。In this mode either the students can self-study, Work on their own, or often Prof. Perdue will use These materials in the classroom and use them to Launch a larger discussion about what the students understand from these materials.