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岩棉板使用中延展性很。Rock wool board use ductility.

而一旦把延展性引入进来,材料就变得脆弱了。Once ductility is introduced, materials become weak.

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他们也有更多的抗拉强度和延性较低。They also have more tensile strength and less ductility.

后者的硬度要高于前者,韧性次之。The impact ductility of the latter is lower than the fronter.

一种无磁性不锈钢,比400不锈钢具有更好的延展性。A non-magnetic stainless steel with more ductility than 400SS.

分析了节点破坏模式对节点延性的影响。Analyzing the effect of failure modes to ductility of connection.

硅青铜不但具有铜的可锻性,而且还具有很高的强度。Silicon bronze has the ductility of copper but much more strength.

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这种结构有一定的延性和较好的耗能能力。The ductility and dissipation of this kind of structure is better.

金属被拉成金属丝的性能称为延展性。The ability of a metal to be drawn into a wire is known as ductility.

金属中吸收了氢的成分,金属的延展性由此而减弱。The absorption of hydrogen by a metal resulting in a loss of ductility.

锻件的强度、塑性和韧性优于铸件。The strength and ductility of forgings are better than that of castings.

脆变—由于物理或化学变化而导致延展性的减小。Embrittlement—Reduction in ductility due to physical or chemical changes.

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延展性和可锻性是金属的两种重要加工性能。Two important working properties of metals are ductility and malleability.

饱和烃和芳香烃影响沥青的低温延度和粘结性。Saturation and aromatics affect the ductility of asphalt at low temperature.

模型房屋的延性系数为2.43,模型房屋具有良好的水平承载能力。The ductility factor of model is 2.43 and its horizontal bearing capacity is acceptable.

柱脚延性系数要大于整体框架的延性系数。Ductility factor of the column foot was bigger than that of the integral frame structure.

不锈钢中的一种元素,提高不锈钢延展性和抗腐蚀能力。An alloying element used in stainless steels to enhance ductility and corrosion resistance.

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跨中横隔梁的设置,还增强了桥梁的工作整体性和结构的延性。Hence, the middle diaphragms effectively improve the integrity and ductility of the bridge.

并采用约束混凝土的概念分析了墩柱的抗震延性。The seismic ductility of piers with confined concrete is analyzed. The restraint effect of c.

讨论了X65、X70管线钢铸坯不同温度区间高温延塑性的差异。The difference of the hot ductility of X65 and X70 pipeline casting blank is mainly discussed.