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这些附加的离子叫做填隙式离子。These additional ions are called interstitial ions.

柯根化综合症包括间质性角膜炎。Cogan's syndrome consists of an interstitial keratitis.

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一周消息不如改名叫一周插入呢。Information Week should be renamed as Interstitial Week.

初级性索仲入髓质形成间质细胞。Primary sex cords extend to medullary and to form interstitial cells.

肺血管周围的肺间质充血、水肿。There were congestion, edema of pulmonary interstitial around vessels.

GVHD合并感染和间质性肺炎是主要死因。GVHD, infection and interstitial pneumonitis were the main causes of death.

这些漂砾彼此相隔较远并有许多填隙泥。The boulders are quite widely separated and much interstitial mud is visible.

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最后对掺杂晶体中间隙氧离子的位置进行了初步讨论。The occupancy site of interstitial oxygen in doped PWO crystals was also discussed.

被贴的部位在皮肤下形成回旋,从而增加了细胞间的间隙。The taped portion forms convolutions in the skin, thus increasing interstitial space.

粒子植入放疗对患者的生活质量干扰小。Permanent 125I interstitial radiotherapy affects littler to quality of life of patients.

一种扩散机制,此时原子的运动是从晶格间隙位置迁移到另一个相近的间隙位置。A diffusion mechanism whereby atomic motion is from interstitial site to interstitial site.

目的探讨开胸肺活检对肺间质疾病的诊断作用。Objective To evaluate the role of open lung biopsy in diagnosis of interstitial lung disease.

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矿石构造为条带状、浸染状、团块状,填隙结构。The textures of ores are common in banded, disseminated, massive and interstitial structures.

呈弥漫性、广泛性双侧间质、肺泡浸润。Chest x-ray demonstrates diffuse and extensive bilateral interstitial and alveolar infiltrates.

间质性肺疾病已观察到异常的患者易瑞沙。Interstitial lung disease has been observed in patients with abnormal suggested that it should.

肺纤维化是指多种原因导致的,以弥漫性肺间质组织增生为特征的疾病。Pulmonary fibrosis is caused by many factors and shows diffuse interstitial tissue hyperplasia.

结论PDGFBB和巨噬细胞参与肾间质纤维化早期改变。Conclusion PDGFBB and CD68 plays an important role in the early interstitial fibrosis in kidney.

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计算患者病理切片硬化肾小球数、新月体数和间质纤维化面积百分比。The ratios of sclerosing glomeruli, crescents and area of interstitial fibrosis were calculated.

复合堵漏袋,制做简单,主要用于裂缝性漏失。Bag of compound shot-off of loss, make simple, basically use at interstitial sex leakage to break.

病毒性肺炎间质淋巴细胞浸润。Here is the microscopic appearance of a viral pneumonia with interstitial lymphocytic infiltrates.