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持相反的论点就是试图为站不住脚的事情强辩。To argue otherwise is trying to defend the indefensible.

以色列不会回到1967年的那个不能进行自我防御的边界。Israel will not return to the indefensible lines of 1967.

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那是完全没有理由的,很简单,你不能为无法辩护的东西辩护。It was un-called for and you simply can't defend the indefensible.

以前我任你数落几句也就罢了,毕竟这件事情我理亏在先。Before I allowed you to scold severals also just, once and for all this affair my indefensible was previously.

所以,我要和他们站在一起,我要和赫脱国务卿站在一起,他说这些岛屿不可防守。So I stand with them. I stand with the Secretary of State, Mr. Herter, who said these islands were indefensible.

无论如何,趁年轻人还不会鉴别真伪,就对他们撒谎,在道义上是站不住的。In any case to tell lies to the young, who have no means of checking what they are told, is morally indefensible.

那个人当然是理亏的,那么药店老板做得对吗?他制止谋杀的办法你怎么看?That person is certainly an indefensible of, so the medicine store owner make out right?Does he stop a murderous way how you see?

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回答必然是,华尔街的主人们深深地认识到,从道义上讲他们根本站不住脚。The answer, surely, is that Wall Street's Masters of the Universe realize, deep down, how morally indefensible their position is.

但每次当西方社会奋起身来为他们的言论自由辩护以反抗宗教狂热时,他们看起来却是那么的无言以辩。But at a time when the western world is battling to defend free speech against religious zealotry, they look particularly indefensible.

谢林已经警告过那些转载莫里文章的网站,他说这些文章充满着“谎言、不可证实和严重的诽谤。”Schillings have warned the websites that repetition of Murray's allegations were regarded as "false, indefensible and grossly defamatory".

她把“装备良好”的说法称为“政府的谎言”,随之补充道,他被迫“为道德上不可原谅的做法辩护”。She described the insistence that the equipment was sound as "government lies", adding that he had been forced to "defend the morally indefensible".

对于他称之为“丧失理智,无法辩护,无从辩解,不可解释”的这一行为,他的解释是车祸后他神智混乱。His explanation for what he called his "irrational and indefensible and inexcusable and inexplicable" behaviour was that he was disorientated after the crash.

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生命不可能简单地从一无所有进化成发展的多重舞台,那就是简单的不能容忍的不能防卫的生活。Life could not possible evolve from nothing into something with multiple stages of development along the way, that is simply an outrageous and indefensible lie.

“他们也没有认识到自己为了脱罪所说的一系列谎言对这个家庭产生的影响”。Neither has either of the accused shown any recognition of the impact the tissue of lies that has been offered to defend the indefensible has had on our family.

所有的动物都是上帝的造物,这是一个简单的事实,而当今在基督教广泛支持下对动物所做的一切,在道德上是站不住脚的。It is a simple fact that all animals are God's creatures, and that what is happening to them today, with widespread Christian support, is ethically indefensible.

非但如此,伯克希尔公司竟发表了一封新闻稿,言辞中极力袒护索科尔,而审计委员会报告显示,索科尔的行为根本没有辩解的余地。Instead, Berkshire issued a press release that read to many as a defense of Sokol, whose actions are revealed in the audit committee's report to have been indefensible.

尽管比赛当日天气阴冷,但我们的队员奋力拼搏攻入无懈可击之两球,向众人展示了他们绝佳的体能、敏捷的身手和过人技巧。With sub-zero temperatures on an overcast day, the soccer team showed off their athletic prowess, long running strides, excellent passes and scored two indefensible goals.

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也存在灰色地带,富人将自己的现金藏在避税天堂,使得税法按照他们有利的方向来写——看看他们对私募基金获得的利润那些处理方法吧,根本站不住脚。There are greyer areas, in which the rich hide their cash in tax havens and get tax law written to their advantage—witness the indefensible treatment of private-equity profits.

但美国人固执的人为,如果这些国家做了针对我们的行动,因此而引起的这类后果是不可避免的,而且几乎没有一位政治家对这些政策提出怀疑。But while Americans would undoubtedly regard such acts as indefensible if some foreign country were doing them to us, hardly any U.S. politicians have questioned these policies.

拉加德女士在欧元区应对债务危机的过程中扮演了重要角色,不管她的私人观点如何,她已经有为站不住脚的事情辩护了。Ms Lagarde has played a central role in forming the euro zone's response to its debt crisis, and whatever her private views, she has a public record of defending the indefensible.