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他老是宣扬他的公司。He always boost his company.

他们缺乏水来提高产量。It lacks water to boost output.

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所以不必担心会不会喂得太勤。So do not worry too much boost.

用风水来增加你的活力。Boost your energy with feng shui.

液体燃料增压泵撬装体。Duplex liquid fuel boost pump skid.

他从身后把她推过栏杆。He gave her a boost over the fence.

全垒打助王建民一臂之力,国民胜出。Home runs boost Wang, Nationals to win.

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怎样才能把国民经济搞上去?How can we give a boost to the economy?

把我向上抬起,这样我能朝窗户里面看。Boost me up so I can look in the window.

它们也能促进你的新陈代谢。They can also help boost your metabolism.

电路结构运用了升压斩波电路。The structure of the circuit is the boost.

美国将未花的不良资产救助计划资金用于增加就业。US bailout money to be used to boost jobs.

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信息素会给40几岁的人增加魅力吗?Can Pheromones Give a 40-Something A Boost?

把我托上树,我就能摘到那只苹果了。Boost me up the tree and I'll get the apple.

但是大多数认为这会有利于自民党的发展。But most assume it would boost the Lib Dems.

这消息使所有人都为之一振。The news has given everyone a massive boost.

他们可能会帮助你成为一名实干家。They also provide a boost for you, the doer.

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加薪提高了成本,但是促进了消费。Wage hikes boost costs but might help sales.

股强劲的顺风正在给予有利的推动。A stout tailwind was giving a friendly boost.

自我教育以提升孩子的成绩Educate yourself to boost achievement in kids