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主席团由一百四十八位代表组成。The presidium consists of 148 delegates.

主席团决定今天晚上的会议另选会场。The presidium has decided to hold this evening's meeting elsewhere.

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第三章介绍了主席团职权的若干问题。Some issues on the power of the presidium are discussed in Chapter Three.

学生会西交利物浦大学学生的自治组织,由学生会主席团领导。It is a student governing council and conducted by presidium of student union.

大会主席团常务主席顾秀莲主持开幕式。Congress presidium routine President Gu Xiulian presides over the opening ceremony.

中共代表加入国民参政会主席团。Include Communist representatives in the presidium of the People's Political Council.

他事先没有征求党的主席团同志的意见,并取得他们的同意。He had not submitted in advance for the approval of his comrades in the Party Presidium.

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全国人民代表大会举行会议的时候,选举主席团主持会议。When the National People’s Congress meets, it elects a Presidium to conduct its session.

大会主席团由王绍鏊、林汉达、陶行知三人组成。The meeting presidium was consisted of Wang Shaoao, Lin Handa and Tao Xingzhi three persons.

大会为期5天,期间中国工程院大会将选举该院新一届院长、副院长和主席团成员。During the 5-day conference, the CAE will elect its new presidents and members of the presidium.

大会通过民主选举,产生了共青团上海外航服务公司第二届委员会。Via democratic election, the second session presidium of Shanghai FASCO Communist Youth League came into birth.

县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会举行会议的时候,由主席团主持会议。When a local people's congress at or above the county level meets, its session shall be conducted by the presidium.

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本届主席团成员早在去年夏天参加微软学生夏令营时便开始集中思考讨论微软技术俱乐部的核心价值观和核心理念。Early in last summer, members of presidium began to think about and discuss what is the core value and meaning of MSCC.

第二章是中国人大主席团的一般介绍,包括其产生与职权以及历史的沿革。Chapter Two introduces the presidium of China's people's congress generally, including its formation, power and history.

新官上任三把火,新主席团及部门头头回顾总结了以前的工作情况并总体规划了新一届的部门体系。The new presidium and the gurus of each dept. summarized the previous work and gave the programming of the dept. system.

预备会议后,举行了主席团第一次会议,推选了14位主席团常务主席。Following the preparatory meeting! the first meeting of the presidium was held! which appointed 14 standing chairpersons.

赫鲁晓夫便给在莫斯科的主度团委员每人航寄了一份。So he sent via the air route that had just opened between Moscow and Djakarta one portion for each member of the Presidium.

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西交利物浦大学第五届学生会主席团成员换届选举在本学年第二个学期初进行,选举时间为2011年2月14日至2011年3月13日。No. 2 The fifth election of the Presidium of XJTLU Student Union is during February 14, 2011 and March 13, 2011, semester two.

不列入会议议程的,应当向大会报告或者向提案人作出说明。For those motions not to be placed on the agenda, the presidium shall report to the Congress or make explanation to the submitters.

推荐者应向选举委员会或者大会主席团介绍候选人的情况。Those who submit recommendations shall inform the election committee or the presidium of the congress of their candidates' backgrounds.