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声乐艺术包括歌唱的训练与表演的全部理论与实践。The vocalism art includes all theory and practice of the training and performance.

意大利语音与歌唱发音、发声训练、歌唱技术有密切的关系。The Italian phonetics has a close connection with the practice of pronunciation and vocalism and singing technique.

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他师从著名女中音歌唱家、原上海乐团艺术顾问董爱琳教授。He studied vocalism under professor Ailin Dong, a famous mezzo-soprano and the music advisor of Shanghai Philharmonic.

声乐理论课程的薄弱和滞后已经成为高师声乐教育专业发展的瓶颈。The weakness and lag of the vocalism theory courses has become the bottleneck in the development of the vocalism education in teachers colleges.

本文试从气息的力度、支持点、发声、共鸣等几个方面,对歌曲演唱中如何把握气息控制进行了阐述。This thesis discusses how to control the breath in vocalism from the aspects of the stress, the supporting point, the vocalization and the resonance.

如何能将文学语言的字咬得真切到位而又不失歌者最优美的音色,正是我们在声乐教学活动中的一个难点。There is a difficult point during the course of vocalism teaching, that is, how to combine clear and accurate pronunciation with singer's most graceful timbre.

唱准每一个母音是歌唱发声训练的重要环节,母音准确纯正是获得美好音质的基础,也是寻找正确发声机能协调歌唱状态的重要调节手段。Exact vowel singing is important for vocalism. Pure vowel is the basis of getting good tone quality and an important adjusting measure of coordinating vocal mechanism.

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它是从生活中看得见、摸得着、感受得到的事物里,抽取共通点,转化为发声技巧,引导于实际训练的意识过程。It is a conscious process in which you can get the common character from true things in the daily life, then change into vocalism skills, and lead to practical training.

美声唱法是在文艺复兴的思潮推动下,由于歌剧的兴起而在意大利发展形成的一种歌唱流派,它拥有一套完整的科学发声训练体系。Stimulated by Renaissance, the sing method of Bel conto is a school of singing which forms and develops from opera in Italy, and it has a complete set of scientific vocalism.

突破瓶颈,加快高师声乐理论课程的建设步伐,对于提高学生的专业能力和教育能力具有重要的意义。Breaking the bottleneck, hurrying the construction steps of the vocalism theory courses are of great meaning to the enhancement of student's speciality ability and education ability.