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他们还要继续闹事吗?Were they in for more aggro?

每当他施放贼星时注重看你的愤恨。Watch your aggro every time he does a meteor.

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你别找茬儿闹事,要不然我就叫警察了!Don't give me any aggro or I'll call the police!

中尉就在门口但不会攻击玩家。They remain at the doors, but do not aggro the players.

毁学是一种群体性破坏新式教育的暴力行为。School destruction is a group aggro to destroy new education.

他们的宠物也能制造一定伤害,此外还能吸引怪的仇恨。Their pets add to the damage count and can aid somewhat in managing monster aggro.

如果你试图在一头活熊面前剥一头死熊的皮,活熊将攻击你。Bears near a recently killed bear will aggro if the player attempts to skin the dead bear.

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实现了怪物或者宠物的主动攻击,当玩家攻击自己的族类。Implement aggro creatures at attack by player or pet creature from his family. Patch provided by darka.

只要荷兰教头一个闪失,我们就会看到场边的一场恶战。One false move from the Dutch coach and we could have witnessed some very unsightly aggro on the touchline.

我们是赞成有更多的骚乱,还是希望在威斯敏斯特地区的年轻人恢复更文明的行为呢?。Were we in for more aggro or were the lads on the Westminster terraces going to return to more civilized conduct?

她的传承记载着人民的苦难和欢娱,也反映着人民对邪恶的抗争和对美好的求索。She recorded the distress and joys of the peoples, also reflecting the people's aggro to the improbity and pursuit of truth.

在启动DPS前先启动坦克。什么,哦,不。不要呆在火里!上!好的。哦,该死!我这需要治疗。Let tanks get aggro before you start DPS. What? NO! Don't stand in the fire. Go! OK. Oh God damn it! I need a healer up here.

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某些职业不再能够通过某些偷偷摸摸的方法把一组怪物中的某一个拉出来。Select classes are no longer able to aggro and pull a single enemy NPC from a linked group through various measures of sneakiness.

与管理层一起,与客人和员工进行面谈并询问,调查侵害、妨害、投诉、偷窃、暴力行为等事故。Talking with management, our guests, employees and ask them something to Investigates infringement, harmful, complain, stealing and aggro.

在与黑心煽动者战斗时,玩家中了“指使混乱”后引到怪的范围调整了。The aggro range for players when under the effect of "Incite Chaos" while fighting Blackheart the Inciter in the Shadow Labrynth has been adjusted.

如果你学习好好控制你的仇恨,你上次战斗可能就不会挂。而且当你的皮开始著火时,我把目标转走了。If you would learn to manage your aggro right, you probably wouldn't have died last fight. And when your skin started to ignite, I turned the other way.

在其他情况下,你最好开始风筝怪物,或者开启宝宝低吼技能的自动释放来让它帮你拉住怪物以使得你可以继续在远处射击。In any other case, it's best to begin kiting at this point or send your pet with growl activated to allow it to grab aggro which lets you continue to fire away at a range.

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这只王没有所谓仇恨清空的机制,你只需要知道在两次破甲以后怎麽控制仇恨这些鸟事,像是停止攻击。There is no aggro reset you only need there're some shit about an aggro reset when people dont know how to manage their aggro after 2 thunder, you can stop doing damage to it.