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我们用果仁调料做火腿。We're doing ham with a praline sauce.

特制情人节精美礼物,精点坊有售。Valentine's Day gifts available for sale at Praline.

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可溶性糖含量的变化趋势与脯氨酸相似。The changing trend of soluble sugar content was similar with that of praline.

香料基肉桂风味咖啡要么榛子或杏仁肉桂脯氨酸。Spice-based flavored coffee can either be cinnamon hazelnut or cinnamon almond praline.

此外,您还将品尝到诱人的脆巧克力蛋糕配焦糖生梨和榛仁冰淇淋。And the dinner will end by crunchy chocolate cake with caramelized pears and hazelnut praline ice cream.

水分胁迫并使苗期小麦的脯氨酸含量上升、细胞膜的透性增加。The content of praline and permeability of membrane increased at the stage of wheat seedling under severe water stress.

我这有好多口味让你挑,有草莓的、桃的、巧克力的、咖啡的、香草的,还有果仁的。I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I've got strawberry, peach, chocolate, coffee, vanilla and praline.

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从相关分析看,苗期可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸和MDA含量与品种的耐冷性相关性显著或极显著。Through correlation analysis, soluble protein, praline and MDA content were significantly correlated with their cold tolerance in seeding stage.

比利时巧克力的价格也许是昂贵的,但尝试过样品的人会说,没有任何一种标准的巧克力棒能与比利时巧克力相比。Belgian chocolate may be expensive, but those who have sampled it say that there is no comparison between a standard chocolate bar and a Belgian praline.

另外在目前进行的“高脯氨酸”抗性育种中,可以用于育种材料的初步选择。Moreover when we carry on "the high praline" at present in the resistant breeding, it may be used in the b preliminary choice stage of breeding material.

得出结论,LaCl3对Hg胁迫下玉米幼苗叶片MDA和脯氨酸含量以及保护酶POD和CAT的活性产生了一定的影响。LaCl3 had some effects on the contents of MDA and praline and the protective enzyme activities of POD and CAT in the leaves of maize seedlings under Hg stress.

与此同时,被肉苁蓉寄生的梭梭同化枝的叶绿素含量降低,而脯氨酸和丙二醛含量有所提高。Meanwhile, the chlorophyll contents of Haloxylon's photosynthetic shoots parasitized by Cistanche deserticola decreased, the praline and MDA contents increased.

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以“深圳红”月季切花为实验材料,研究不同保鲜处理在常温瓶插期间对月季切花观赏品质以及瓶插寿命的影响,月季切花采后常温瓶插期间脯氨酸含量的变化。The experiment is used to find out effects of different treatments on ornamental quality and senescence of cut roses, and the changes of praline content on cut Rose are examined.

丝滑冰激凌蛋糕所带来的甜蜜诱惑,定会带给您前所未有的非凡享受,西安喜来登大酒店时速咖啡屋在本月唤醒您的甜蜜味蕾。快来体验吧!A temptingly sweet of ice cream praline cake at Coffee X-press Sheraton Xian Hotel, offers an endless array of sweet treats, never feel guilty to indulge you to these savor dessert.

用尖孢镰刀菌毒素处理大豆幼根后,测定其幼根的根活力,细胞渗透性,蛋白质、可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量。The vigour of root, osmolarity of cell, protein content, soluble sugar content and praline content were studied after seedling root of soybean were treated by toxin from Fusarium oxysporum.

在中度干旱胁迫条件下,有机基质所育秧苗水稻叶片的脯氨酸含量和SOD活性增加的幅度大于营养土所育秧苗。The increment of praline content and SOD activity in the seedlings raised in organic soil base was more than that in the seedlings raised in nutritional soil base under moderate drought stress.