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我一下子睁开了双眼,眼前闪现的是黎明前的灰暗。My eyes flash open in the predawn gray.

因此,我爱北京,特别爱黎明前的北京。In short, I love Beijing, especially predawn Beijing.

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一声低沉的隆隆声,打破了黎明前的寂静。It began as a deep rumble, shattering the predawn silence.

在冬季一个寒冷的黎明时分,我和朋友比尔冻的瑟瑟发抖。My friend Bill and I shivered in the predawn of a frigid winter day.

一个寒冷冬日的黎明前,我和朋友比尔冻得发抖。My friend Bill and I shivered in 1the predawn of a frigid winter day.

因此我对黎明前的北京的了解是在屋子里感觉到的。As a result, it is from inside my study that I've got the feel of predawn Beijing.

难道我欣赏黎明前的北京仅仅由于上述的原因吗?Is it exclusively due to the above-mentioned that I've developed a liking for predawn Beijing?

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为了让女儿上好芭蕾课,她还特意在家办了个户外跳绳保健中心。She likes predawn workouts and held outdoor jump-rope clinics at her house for her daughter's ballet class.

为了见到博卡,埃米尔天不亮就把车子停在他的豪宅附近,裹上毯子坐在车里一直等着。To get to Bomka, Emil parked near his mansion and spent the predawn hours wrapped in blankets, sitting in the van.

到了八月份,这颗微弱的星球将会出现在黎明前的天空,位于宝瓶座附近的地平线上。Through August the faint planet will appear just above the horizon near the constellation Aquarius in predawn skies.

国际劳动节黎明时分,在达特茅斯学院的两位教授运行用他们的新语言Basic编写的第一个程序。In the predawn hours of May Day, two professors at Dartmouth College run the first program in their new language, Basic.

但在亚洲,流星雨发生于黎明时分,因此那里的观测者们是这一年度盛宴的抢先享受者。But in Asia, the peak happens during predawn hours, so observers there will have a front row seat for this year's display.

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只有在黎明以前,根据我的经验,没有哪里会来找你开会的。However, my experience tells that it is only during the predawn hours that I can be truly havened from any involvement in meetings.

经过33天的逃亡,被控杀死警察的鲁宾逊昨天在一项破晓前的突袭中,在费城他的女友公寓中被捕。After 33 days on the lam, accused cop killer Johnny Ray Robinson was bagged yesterday in a predawn raid at his girl friend's apartment in Philadelphia.

核爆炸打破了沙漠黎明前的沉寂,面对此情此景,曼哈顿计划的领导者罗伯特奥本海默只说了一句,‘成功了’。J. Robert Oppenheimer, head of the Manhattan Project, reacted to the atomic explosion that shattered the predawn desert silence by simply saying, "It worked."

当然,这是去往国际空间站执行STS-131任务的航天飞机发现号在黎明前发射时火箭发动机的羽焰。Of course, the clouds were rocket engine plumes from the predawn launch of the space shuttle Discovery on the STS-131 mission to the International Space Station.

当弥桑黛熟睡后,丹尼从她的胳膊边溜走踏入黎明的空气中,倚着清凉的砖墙瞭望城市。When Missandei was sound asleep, Dany slipped from her arms and stepped out into the predawn air to lean upon the cool brick parapet and gaze out across the city.

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在避开了防御方的“列克星敦”号航空母舰之后,他在1月26日黎明前从距离海岸线140英里的位置上分波次派出了83架飞机。Eluding the defending Lexington force, in the predawn of 26 January he began launching 83 aircraft in successive waves, 140 miles offshore. Each formation targeted specific U.

譬如纽约长岛一家沃尔玛超市,在今年感恩节后的打折销售中,连夜排队等待的消费者为抢购低价的平面电视和电脑蜂拥而入,踩踏事件导致一名沃尔玛员工死亡。A throng of shoppers seeking rock bottom prices on flat-screen TVs and computers surged into the Wal-Mart store in predawn hours, trampling and killing a worker in the process.

在黎明前发动的一系列袭击中,共有100多名美国军人,狱警和平民在美国本土各部门团结进行的大规模行动中被捕。In a series of predawn raids, over 100 people including members of the US military, prison guards and civilians were arrested in a huge operation coordinated from the US mainland.