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姜是一种香料。Ginger is a spice.

姜是辣的。Ginger tastes hot.

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用姜啤混合。Mix with Ginger Ale.

姜窦痛哭失声。Ginger sinus in tears.

我也喜欢姜汁啤酒。I also like Ginger Beer.

这会使他振作起来。This will ginger him up.

焦糖姜味脆饼。Caramel Ginger Crunchies.

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你知道“空中飞车”吗?Do you know about Ginger?

姜是老的辣!The ginger old is spicy !

姜干是良姜干。Dry is dry ginger galanga.

吃海鲜时,我喜欢放姜一起吃。I like seafood with ginger.

姜还是老的辣。Aged ginger is more pungent.

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姜还是老的辣。Aged ginger is more pungent.

这道菜有姜的味道。It is flavoured with ginger.

剁碎蒜头及姜。Chop garlic and ginger finely.

这道菜有姜的味道。The dish has a taste of ginger.

姜汁啤酒泡沫多。Ginger beer effervesces frothily.

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我也很喜欢这个瓶装姜德味道。I like this bottled ginger , too.

一份姜味汽水,多冰块。And a ginger ale with lots of ice.

铁锅烧热放油、加姜片。Heat the oil drain pan, add ginger.