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巨大的讽刺。Heavy sarcasm.

沉重的脚步声。A heavy footfall.

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大雪纷飞。Heavy snows fell.

砖块是沉重的。The brick is heavy.

他的脚感觉沉重。His feet felt heavy.

这部电影太沉重了。The movie was heavy.

他是个抽烟抽的很狠的人。He is a heavy smoker.

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又是大雪纷飞的日子。Is a heavy snow days.

这箱子真重啊!How heavy the box is !

重得像铅。It's as heavy as lead.

这箱子太沉了。This box is too heavy.

外面,是滂沱的雨。Outside, is heavy rain.

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那雨太大了啊。The rain was too heavy.

这东西太沉了。This thing's too heavy.

然后让我的手感到沉重。Feel my hands get heavy.

钱是携带重?Is money heavy to carry?

多大的一场雨啊!What a heavy rain it is!

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这个柚子有多重?。How heavy is this pomelo?

这个袋真重。This bag is really heavy.

这本书的分量可不轻。This book is quite heavy.