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独身“挑战”Celibacy 'challenge'

独身主义综合症是神话吗?Is celibacy syndrome a myth?

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大学不适合独身生活。Celibacy does not suit a university.

我应该训练禁欲,独身。I should practice brahmacharya, celibacy.

禁欲可以通过这样的方式达到。The abode of celibacy is attained through this plan.

有些宗教修会的人发誓不结婚。People in some religious orders take a vow of celibacy.

上校,这些人发过毒誓要一辈子单身。Colonel, these men have taken a supreme vow of celibacy.

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禁欲是一种存在于人体的持续的生命力量。The capability of sustaining the life force in the body is celibacy.

大学不适合独身生活,必须要与身边的人互动。Celibacy does not suit a university. It must mate itself with action.

此外,茨温利结婚,从而打破了祭司立下的独身。Moreover, Zwingli married and thus broke his priestly vow of celibacy.

为了强制僧侣独身,格雷高里七世比以前任何教皇尽力都多。Gregory VII did more than any previous Pope to enforce clerical celibacy.

关于独身,保罗的教导与禁欲主义的教导有什麽分别?。How does Paul's teaching differ from that of the ascetics about celibacy?

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事实上,这正是我决定这一整年过独身生活的原因。This is why, in fact, I have decided to spend this entire year in celibacy.

我会很晚和朋友谈心,摇动生病婴儿的摇篮、避免独身生活。I've stayed up communing with friends, rocking sick babies, avoiding celibacy.

无论原因是如何,我继续与世隔绝,与注定的独身生活相随。Whatever the cause, my isolation continues, along with the consequent celibacy.

修道者的独身观念含有禁欲与宗教热情之意。The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.

修道者的独身观念含有禁欲兴宗教热情之意。The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.

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我写作此书的原因之一是要把无性生活当做诸多选择之一来宣传。One of the reasons I wrote the book was to try to bring celibacy back as an option.

他们宣誓独身,但众所周知的是也曾经有人犯下轻率的举动。They are sworn to celibacy , as well, though indiscretions have been known to happen.

宣誓要独身和放弃个人的全部财产几乎算不上什么牺牲。A vow of celibacy and the relinquishment of all personal assets hardly seemed a sacrifice.