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布莱德。彼特是令许多年轻女性倾心的男子。Brad Pitt is a heartthrob for many young women.

布拉德·皮特是好莱坞最令人心跳的英俊小生,是吗?我想是的。Is that Brad Pitt, the Hollywood heartthrob? I believe so.

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2008年北京残奥会是否能点燃你的激情?。Whether Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games will enkindle your heartthrob?

“哈罗”他说,笑得就像迪斯尼动画片里的小万人迷。"Hello," he said, smiling like a young heartthrob from a Disney movie.

在彭于晏演艺生涯的早期,他以令人倾心的大众情人形象一炮走红。Early in his career Peng made his name for being an idolized heartthrob.

现年50岁、头发灰白的万人迷表示,他不再相信婚姻。The gray-haired, 50-year-old heartthrob is just not into marriage, he says.

不过,他成为国家的天王打后,在缅因州Pyar木屋领先。However, he became the nation's heartthrob after playing the lead in Maine Pyar Kiya.

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追逐着你的帆影,看见了你的帆上绵延着我们的柔情蜜意,在阳光中熠熠闪烁。Chasing your sail, I saw our heartthrob rolling on the sea, glittering at the sunshine.

大陆女演员高圆圆因其清纯的外表成为汉子们心中的抱负工具。Mainland actress Gao Yuanyuan is the heartthrob of many men, thanks to her innocent looks.

这部有韩国当红影星李秉宪加盟的影片将在釜山上映,该片部分场景就是在那儿拍摄的。The film, also starring Korean heartthrob Lee Byung-hun, will screen at Pusan, where some of it was shot.

暮光之城万人迷罗伯特·帕丁森被那些蜂拥而来女粉丝们搞得不知所措。"Twilight" heartthrob Robert Pattinson is "overwhelmed" with all the girls throwing themselves at his feet.

所以那位女经理在新的剃须刀广告中选了一位迷人的男歌手,目的是赢得女性的支持。And so the woman manager has cast a male heartthrob singer in the new shaver ads, designed to win over women.

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令女人们怦然心动的男演员布拉德皮特就差两学分就能在密苏里大学取得他的新闻学学位。Brad Pitt, actor and heartthrob , was two credits shy of a journalism degree from the University of Missouri.

先前只是一名偶像明星,郭富城在这个角色中,重新将自己改造成一名严肃的演员。Formerly just a heartthrob idol, Aaron Kwok, has reinvented himself as a serious actor, which is seen in this role.

毕伯则是逃跑的普及也得益于一个空的拉美市场为独唱男性青少年的帅哥。Bieber's runaway popularity also may have benefited from a void in the Latin market for a solo male teen heartthrob.

以百万计的少女爱万人迷贾斯汀比伯,但有14岁的她敬佩采取一个新的水平。Millions of teen girls love heartthrob Justin Bieber, but one 14-year-old has taken her admiration to the next level.

善良和责任,无关乎国度和文化背景,更与激情、浪漫无缘,但可以成就一个温暖平常的家。Goodness and duty are independent of nationality , culture, heartthrob , and romanticism, but could built a warm home.

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她在剧中扮演一名70年代的天真、甜美的女高中生,在这部电影中她和金城武还有激情镜头。She played an innocent, sweet high-school girl in the ’70s, a role that included a sex scene with heartthrob Takeshi Kaneshiro.

而这些人在等待的人正准备入场——韩国演员和大众情人李秉宪。And the man all of these people are waiting for is preparing to make an entrance. -South Korean actor and heartthrob Lee Byunghun.

韩寒的生活有他自己的苦恼,这位玩心跳的卡丁车赛手同时也是位有名的小说家以及中国拥有读者最多的博主。IT'S not so easy being Han Han, the heartthrob race car driver and pop novelist who just happens to be China's most widely read blogger.