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这木马将被放置在达沃市附近。The horse will be delivered next to Davao.

到天涯海角海南岛去看一看。Go to faraway places Davao Islands to have a look.

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截至记者发稿时,达沃洪灾伤亡人数有多个版本。As of press time reporter, Davao flood casualties have multiple versions.

印度尼西亚领事在达沃市,马来西亚领事在三宝颜市。Consul of Indonesia in Davao City, Malaysia Consular at the Zamboanga City.

达沃是受益于大量涌入菲律宾的入境旅游的城市之一,他补充说。Davao is one of the cities benefiting from the influx of inbound travel to the Philippines, he added.

海南岛四周多为优质沙滩,可开发成海滨旅游胜地。Davao Islands is much oner all sides is a high-quality sandy beach, can develop seashore tour divine spot.

本周四,总统在达沃国际机场降落后讲述了这段回忆。" So, of course, it's God, " the President recounted after he landed Thursday at Davao International Airport.

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山清水秀的海南岛,有如一颗璀璨的明珠,镶嵌在浩瀚的南海上。Davao Islands of the mountain clear water show, a like bright bright pearl, insets at extensive of south china sea up.

几天前,菲律宾达沃市发生恐怖爆炸事件,造成大量人员伤亡。Just a few days ago, the Davao City of the Philippines has suffered a terrorist bombing attack that caused many casualties.

我想让她知道只要她能留下我愿意在达沃市给她穿每一根针和线,即使有时那让我有些烦。I wanted her to know that I would put every thread through every needle in Davao City just to make her stay , even if it did annoy me.

尽管如此,他表示,廉价航空正在适应挑战,与政府合作,创造更多的机会。In May, Singapore allowed more flights to the Philippines, especially for low-cost flights, targeting smaller markets such as Cebu and Davao.

一群中国投资者计划明年访问达沃市看看在基础设施、房地产和旅游业方面的投资机会。A group of Chinese investors is scheduled to visit Davao City next year to check out opportunities in infrastructure, real estate and tourism.

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据悉,在担任达沃市市长期间,杜特地会随身携带一支点38口径的手枪,曾被控指示一个暗杀小组杀死有犯罪嫌疑的人。When he was mayor of Davao City, Duterte was known to carry a . 38 pistol and was accused of overseeing a death squad to kill people suspected of being criminals.

请为更新贵格会短宣队将于七月前来祷告,求主为短宣队开路并供应一切需要,使更新短宣队能够成为纳卯地区贵格会的祝福。Pray for the Singchung Friends Church Mission Team to Davao in July that God will make a way and provide all the needs of this team to bless our DFM and ministries.

杜特尔特也差不多持有这样的看法,他也说由于这次事件导致他在2013年禁止美军操作无人机飞越达沃。Duterte has suggested much the same thing and cited the incident to explain his decision in 2013 not to allow the U. S. military to operate drone flights out of Davao.

中国大连老虎滩、青岛海滨浴场、北戴河沿岸以及海南岛、福建长乐沿岸发育的海滩多为细沙滩。China Dalian tiger pool, Qingdao seashore bath field, littoral in Beidaihe and Davao Islands, Fukien grow sea beach that enjoy littoral's growth much for the fine sand pool.