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他来自奥地利。He comes from Austria.

我知道至少在奥地利是这样。At least the Austria I know.

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澳大利亚因斯布鲁克的一个滑雪跳台。A ski jump in Innsbruck, Austria.

莫扎特于1756年在奥地利出生。Mozart was born in 1756 in Austria.

彼得·德鲁克出生在奥地利。Peter Drucker was born in Austria.

这就是奥地利的新维也纳乐派。This is the new Vienna, Austria music.

奥地利有两座山要卖。Two mountains in Austria are for sale.

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下奥地利慕尔斯泰格的御用马群。Emperor's horses at Mürzsteg, lower Austria.

哈尔施塔特被誉为“奥地利的珍珠”。Hallstatt is known as"the Pearl of Austria".

他一生大部分时间生活在奥地利的维也纳。He lived most of his life in Vienna, Austria.

他们是霎哈加瑜伽奥地利集体。They were the Sahaja Yoga collective of Austria.

这盏大吊灯从设计到制造都是在澳大利亚完成的。This chandelier was designed and made in Austria.

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奥地利是欧洲中部的一个内陆国家。Austria is a landlocked country in central Europe.

奥地利是欧洲中部的内陆国。Austria is a landlocked country of central Europe.

他也抨击奥巴马的减税政策。He also attacks the Austria Pama's tax cut policy.

1993年赴德国、荷兰、奥地利举办画展。In 1993 Went to Germany, Holland, Austria exhibition.

五奥康祺健身欢迎您的加入!Five Austria Kinking Healthy body welcome you joining!

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阿尔弗雷德·古森鲍尔是奥地利联邦的总理Alfred Gusenbauer is the Federal Chancellor of Austria.

奥特斯则是奥地利AT&S的国内子公司。AT&S is the subsidiary of Austria AT&S in Mainland China.

奥地利是受欢迎的功能饮料红牛的产地。Austria is the home to the popular energy drink Red Bull.