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我完全接受你的指责。I'm quite willing to accept the imputation.

而客观归责理论即是一种全新的选择。The theory of the objective imputation will be a bran-new choice.

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但是单纯的行为归罪亦有多方面的不足和缺陷。But the pure behavior imputation also has the various insufficiency and the flaw.

我们为泰勒先生有关不当行为的非难表示诚挚道歉。We apologise unreservedly for any imputation of incorrect behaviour by Mr Taylor.

产品责任实行何种归责原则,存在两种观点。Product liability executes what imputation principle, there are two kinds of views.

因果关系是任何归责都必不可少的构成要件,反倾销亦不例外。Causation is essential to imputation and there is no exception for anti-dumping rules.

这就是为什麽我说上帝造人时,赋予无意识是一件无与伦比的慈善行为。That is why I say that the imputation of the unconscious is an incredible act of charity.

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提出了一种基于多元回归模型的缺失值估计算法。In this paper, a multiple-regression-model-based missing values imputation algorithm is proposed.

第三部分主要提出了校园人身伤害事故的归责原则。The third part of the paper put forward the imputation principles of the Campus Students Injury Accidents.

民事责任的归责基础和归责要素是两个既有区别又有联系的概念。Imputation basis and imputation element are two concepts with close relations as well as subtle differences.

民法通则设置了两个归责标准,即“过错”和“法律特别规定”。The General Rules of Civil Law has formulated two imputation criteria, ie, "fault" and " law specially regulated".

把某种分配原则应用于有限制对策上,得到有限制对策的分配值。Applying some rule of allocation to the games with restriction, we get the imputation value for games with restriction.

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关于环境侵权民事责任的归责原则和构成要件,理论界众说纷纭,莫衷一是。There are a lot of theories on the principles and elements of imputation of civil liability in environmental infringement.

文章具体分析了单一主体违法的责任归属和多数主体违法的责任分担。This paper analyzes the imputation of responsibility of single subjects violation of law and the responsibility sharing of.

第一部分,研究了侵权法的价值、功能、归责原则与过错的关系问题。The first part studies the value, the function and the relationship between fault and imputation principles of the Torts law.

产品责任归责原则是构建产品责任法律制度整体框架的关键所在。The principle of imputation in product liability is the key to constructing the overall frame of product liability law system.

但在构建该制度时应注意到公有公共设施致害纳入国家赔偿的范围和归责原则两个方面的问题。On the other hand, we should pay attention to the problems of categorization and imputation principle when we set up the policy.

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我国刑法中的传统因果关系论因其自身存在的实践机能性问题,必将为客观归属论所替代。The traditional causality theory in Chinese Criminal Law will be replaced by the objective imputation for its practice problems.

虚假广告侵权二元归责的理论基础为社会化责任原理。The theory basis of two-tier imputation of the infringement of false advertisement is the theory of socialization responsibility.

归责原则体系是指各归责原则所组成的具有内在逻辑联系的系统结构。The system of the principle of responsibility imputation refers to the systematic structure that forms its inner logic connection.