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正因为这样,我们还仍旧深陷伊拉克困境。This is why we're still in this quagmire in Iraq.

由于践踏得多了,我们把盐泽的边沿弄成一个泥沼了。By much trampling, we had made it a mere quagmire.

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大雨滂沱,球场变成了泥沼。The heavy rain had turned the pitch into a quagmire.

冉阿让走上这平坦的斜坡,就走到了泥沼的另一边。Jean Valjean mounted this inclined plane and reached the other side of the quagmire.

你理想的场景就像是地图一样让你走出困住你的现实的沼泽地。Your ideal scene serves as a map that can guide you through the quagmire of options.

今朝,驻伊美军人次约为15.5万,直到现在尚不知何时才气开脱泥塘。S. troops in Iraq is about 155,000 so far still do not know when to get out of the quagmire.

你一个简单的行为会导致你的工作陷入泥沼,工作方向被误导以及绝对的挫折感。Your simple behaviour may result in a quagmire of errors, mis-directed activity and utter frustration.

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她是在封建礼教和封建迷信的泥沼中进行挣扎进行反抗的。She is in the feudal ethical code and feudal superstition quagmire in struggling to carry out resistance.

唯一令人安心的是这些令人困扰的被动是不定词并不常见。The only saving feature of this quagmire of passive infinitives is that we don t see them all that often.

针对这个国家目前的政治泥淖似乎已无计可施,部分是因为关于“该怎么办”的讨论被极力禁止。The country’s present political quagmire seems impassable partly because debate over what to do is so stunted.

公共车道逢雨便一片泥泞,夏季乾旱时还会刮起沙尘暴。Now the bus lane turns into a muddy quagmire on rain days, while the winds after a summer drought kick up dust storms.

理性官僚制肇始于对专制的反动,却又深陷反民主的"泥潭",是现代性之祸还是官僚制自身逻辑使然?Rational bureaucratic system began in reaction to the anti-autocratic, but is lost deep in anti-democratic "quagmire".

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你可以改变想法,但是最关键的是不要让自己的思想陷入抱怨的泥沼之中。You have the power to recondition your thoughts, but the trick is to keep your consciousness out of the quagmire of blame.

那些仍然尚未意识到黑暗议程的人,深陷无知的泥淖中如同机器人般存在着。For those who remain unconscious to the darks' agenda, exist in the quagmire of ignorance and have assumed a machine like existence.

自从“9.11”之后,小布什连续发动了两场所谓的“反恐战争”,把美国拖入到战争的泥潭。Since the "9.11", after George W. Bush launched two consecutive so-called "war on terror", the United States into a quagmire of war.

另外一方面它也可能造成成员之间的关系恶化,使教研组陷入恶性竞争的泥潭。On the other hand, it could also result in deterioration of relations between members, and catch in the quagmire of vicious competition.

她想这样下去不行,就顺手从附近折下一条藤蔓,伸入泥潭,沾上泥浆向地上挥洒。She wanted to go on like this not to the next smoothly off from nearby vines, stretching from the quagmire of mud stained the ground sway.

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如果继续走这种粗放式的发展道路,今后浙江纺织服装业必然陷入发展的泥沼。If it continue to take such an extensive path of development in the future, Zhejiang's textile and garment industry will sink into a quagmire.

深陷停滞或者衰退中,社会需要更有生产率和更适应社会需求的劳动力将它拉出泥潭。Being bogged down in stagnancy or recessions, societies are hoping for more productive and more responsive workforces to haul them out of the quagmire.

犹太人的,波斯的,伊朗的和希腊风格的的想法显然地和彼此在以弥赛亚的热情,盗贼行为和热衷于恐怖主义的一个沼泽地中竞争。Jewish, Persian, Iranian and Hellenistic thoughts apparently competed with one another in a quagmire of Messianic fervor, banditry and zealous terrorism.